Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Night Funny’s…

   are back again just to get your weekend off to a somewhat decent start. Remember that if not for politicians, we’d have nothing to laugh about.

   These comments are brought to you by

"So two years ago America broke up with you, because you had badly mistreated her. ... And you come back rapping on our door, hat in hand, and you say, 'Baby, I know you love me. But if we get back together, I pledge to you, I promise you, I will still try to f*ck your sister every chance I get.'" –Jon Stewart, on the GOP's new "Pledge to America" (Watch video clip)

David Letterman:

"You know Delaware is running a witch, her name is Christine O'Donnell, and she wants to be the Senator from Delaware and today she promised if she's elected she'll cast a spell on health care."

"The Republicans announced their Pledge to America, and here's what it is: Less taxes, smaller government and act now and they'll throw in the Dean Martin roast of Frank Sinatra."

Jay Leno:

"As you know, Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell has come out against masturbation. Well, she is already paying a heavy price for taking this stance. In fact, today, the powerful hand lotion lobby has endorsed her opponent."

"I saw that new movie 'Devil' or as Delaware Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell calls it, 'Roots'"

Jimmy Fallon:

"Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell is taking criticism because she once said she dabbled in witchcraft. Yeah, everyone is talking about this. O'Donnell was like, 'If one more person claims I'm a witch, I will take legal action against them and their little dog, too!'"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Senior Citizens:Turn Off FoxNews…

….and then get a grip.

From Crooks and Liars

September 23, 2010 02:30 PM

Dear Senior Citizens, Turn off Fox and Pay Attention

By karoli

Dear Senior Citizens,

I know you think Glenn Beck is the new Jesus and the black guy in the Oval Office is a Muslim pretender, but for the love of all that's holy, turn off Fox News and pay attention.

That ad at the top of this post? They LIE. They are LYING TO YOU. Don't believe me? How about Politifact? Or if Politifact doesn't do it for you, how about your own pocketbooks?

Yes, your own pocketbooks. Because in addition to the donut hole closure, those of you who are enrolled in Medicare Advantage will see your premiums drop next year. That's right. Your premiums will go down in 2011.

Medicare officials said they had held down premiums and co-payments by negotiating with insurers, which sponsor the Medicare Advantage plans.

The law, signed by Mr. Obama in March, gave officials new power to negotiate and to reject bids, as they did in a few cases.

“We negotiated more aggressively than in the past,” said Jonathan D. Blum, deputy administrator of the Medicare agency. “As a result, some plans changed their bids to produce more value for beneficiaries.”

On average,” Mr. Blum said, “Medicare Advantage premiums will be 1 percent lower in 2011 than today. Medicare Advantage plans project that enrollment will increase by 5 percent in 2011.

Yes, you senior citizens claiming your Medicare is being "cut" need to quit listening to your heroes at Fox News and pay attention to facts. While the rest of us suck up big increases because we don't have the benefit of the federal government negotiating on our behalf, YOU and YOU ALONE will see your premiums go down.

I'd better not see you with a sign saying for government to keep their hands off your Medicare after this. That will make it very difficult for me to respect my elders.

Also, a question for the "repeal and replace" crowd. Who will explain why you want to take premium reductions away from seniors?