Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Rick Scott New Florida Governor


    This man is proof positive that you can buy an election and I’m sure that Mr.Scott is very happy with his win after spending some $70 MILLION of his own money to get into the governors mansion. Of course, Scott is promising less regulation for business as well as less taxes for the same.  He’s also promising less taxes for Florida residence, who pay no personal income tax in the first place! Of course,while Scott is cutting taxes and shrinking down the state government, the citizens will be paying more fees than they do at this time,which are plenty. You are almost paying a fee in this state just to breathe. This is how tax breaks are made up.

    You elected an alleged scam artist so you will get what he paid for.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Few Election Results…


…and to no ones surprise, Tea Party darling Marco Rubio has won the race for the Senate seat in Florida over his Republican Independent opponent Charlie Christ and Democratic Rep. Kendrick Meek who no one thought had a chance in the first place. All that I can say to the people of Florida is be afraid. BE VERY AFRAID. the only good thing out of this is that  Governor Christ will soon be a former governor with no job in politics. Not in an elected manner, at least. Guess that he to will become a highly paid lobbyist for someone.

   Tea Party sweetie Rand Paul has won his race up in Kentucky but over in the state of Delaware,Christine O'Donnell  (R)) lost to Democrat Chris Coons. I guess that Christine’s potion wasn’t working today.


In New Hampshire, Republican Kelly Ayotte kept her party in control of the seat being vacated by Judd Gregg. The former state attorney general defeated Democratic Rep. Paul Hodes.

Easily winning re-election as expected were Sens. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Richard Shelby, R-Ala., and Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.

  In the Florida race for governor, Republican newbie Rick Scott has a slight lead over Democrat Alex Sink by a 50.89% to 45.53%lead.