Thursday, December 02, 2010

United Kingdom Covered Bush Administrations Investigation Over Iraq War…


which is really no big surprise,is it?

    Here is another embassy cable by way of WikiLeaks.

9. (S/NF) Day opined that “mobilizing” NATO allies after General McChrystal released the results of his review would be “very difficult.” “Our message” to the U.S. is “bear with us... we will continue to work closely with you,” Day said. He pledged to work closely with the U.S. on the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) and National Posture Review (NPR) as well as on the UK’s Strategic Defense Review. In regard to the UK review, Day observed that he had worked on the last review in 1997-98, and he bemoaned the lack of institutional memory within HMG regarding the review process.
10. (S/NF) Day also promised that the UK had “put measures in place to protect your interests” during the UK inquiry into the causes of the Iraq war. He noted that Iraq seems no longer to be a major issue in the U.S., but he said it would become a big issue -- a “feeding frenzy” -- in the UK “when the inquiry takes off.”

Hey Democrats: If You Extend Those Tax Cuts For The Wealthy…


….the elections in 2012 will be a bloodbath for your party. Did you group of morons not learn anything from the 2010 mid-terms?

    Stop being a bunch of pussies,and grow some balls for once. The wealthy in this country do not need an “extra” tax cut which serves only to increase the  size of their bank accounts and stock portfolios.

Get a grip!