Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Obama And Big Business

    In case you hadn’t noticed it yet, President Obama has been very busy doing his best as of late giving big business the front row in his policy making decisions. Business is making more profits than ever, so he has to give them even more help in order for them to amass even more cash.  A South Korean journalist has noticed how much Obama has been bending over for the business community.  Anything to get re-elected, I guess.

Watching America

Hankyung, South Korea
Obama’s Business-Friendly

By Hankyung Editorial
Translated By Jiyoung Han
23 January 2011

Edited by Michelle Harris

South Korea - Hankyung - Original Article (Korean)
U.S. President Barack Obama’s latest string of business-friendly acts is garnering a lot of attention. Since taking office, Obama has been known to fiercely criticize Wall Street and emphasize the need to strengthen regulations. However, the president now seems to be pushing for the relaxation of regulations and other measures characteristic of a more business-friendly environment.
In a Wall Street Journal editorial printed on Jan. 18, President Obama announced that the federal government would undertake a "review that will help bring order to regulations that have become a patchwork of overlapping rules." The president has also proceeded to draw prominent members of the private sector into the ranks of his administration, most notably naming Midwest Chairman of JPMorgan Chase William Daley as his White House Chief of Staff and CEO of General Electric Jeffrey Immelt as the Chairman of his outside panel of economic advisers. Obama’s business-friendly actions do not stop here. The president is even set to deliver a speech at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, an institution with which he has previously had fraught relations.
The reason for President Obama’s transformation comes from his very acute realization that, for the sake of economic recovery and job creation, he cannot neglect to lend the private sector a helping hand. This is evident in the following passage of his Wall Street Journal piece: "Sometimes, those rules have gotten out of balance, placing unreasonable burdens on business — burdens that have stifled innovation and have had a chilling effect on growth and jobs."
President Obama’s actions hold many implications. In contrast with the increasingly enterprise-supportive America, Korea is tightening the reins on the building pressures at home. The Korea Fair Trade Commission alone is interfering with extensive business studies in areas like oil refining, sugar manufacturing, and home shopping, subsequently eliminating basic things like production cost studies. Key big businesses are facing the pressures of rising subcontract prices in all directions.
Although price stabilization is an urgent issue, artificially regulating prices and further increasing subcontract prices will distort the market order and weaken the vitality of business. For the sake of economic vitality and job creation, businesses must be provided an environment in which they are free to do as they wish. Governments must bear in mind how important it is not to burden businesses with constant interference. As such, today’s meeting between President Lee and the 30 group leaders must be a forum in which the difficulties of the business community are heard and solutions are sought together. It cannot become an occasion to strengthen government regulations.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Luntz Trying to Freep CNN's Real-Time SOTU Poll

by antonrobb       Tue Jan 25, 2011
For some reason, my leftie mom wound up on an email list for Luntz Research. (I know, ewwww, gross.)  Anyway, she forwarded the below email to me.  It is clearly being sent to Luntz's list of lunkheads so they can flood CNN's dial testing of the SOTU with anti-Obama static.  Let's all forward this to our friends and relatives so we can counteract this effect.  These guys (as usual) have nothing to show in terms of constructive policy, just more delay, distraction, destruction and victimhood.  Such losers. 

From: Maslansky, Luntz & Partners
Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 8:22:44 PM
Subject: State of the Union Online Panel Invitation

We would like to invite you to participate in a first-of-its-kind live CNN event that will provide the unique opportunity to register your personal, real-time reactions to tomorrow night’s State of the Union address.

Your reactions, along with those of others around the country, will be part of CNN’s state of the union coverage.

The system works just like the dial testing you may have seen on CNN and Fox – except YOU will be one of the participants, reacting to the president’s speech on your computer, in real-time, from your home or office.

Your participation will help balance the post-speech coverage by providing pundits with real-time feedback from thousands of people around the country.

To participate, please go to the link below by 8:55 pm EST/5:55pm PST on Tuesday, January 25th and follow the instructions on the screen.  Thanks in advance for your help and we look forward to seeing what you think of the speech.


Username: square
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If you have any issues with the website, a browser refresh will usually fix them.

Please take a minute to let us know if you plan on joining our online panel: RSVP

Thank you,

Michelle Corbett
Research Manager

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