Friday, April 15, 2011

Hedge Fund Managers Earnings: Enough To Make You Vomit

   I ran across an article over at AlterNet covering the earnings of the top hedge fund managers and the average middle-class household earnings in comparison. Not a pretty picture when you consider that the fund managers and all of that wealth does nothing to add to the American economy as far as goods and such.

Just take a look at the latest reports on what the top hedge fund managers haul in. In 2010 John Paulson led the list with a record $4.9 billion in personal earnings. That’s a whopping $2.4 million an HOUR. Here’s a factoid to make you wretch: It would take the median US household over 47 years to earn as much as Paulson pocketed in just 60 minutes. And, every hedge fund manager pays a lower tax rate than the average family.

Small Government? Big Needs From Government?

   Chris Matthews, hosting MSNBC's Hardball, hit on the head on Wednesday,April 13 when he said that we all cry for a small government and we do not want to pay taxes for a big government presence. But, at the same time, we want our government to come running when we need help or in the midst of emergencies. He had much more to say and it is worth a listen.