Friday, May 27, 2011

Anthony Weiner Razzes GOP…

    ….on the House floor on Thursday and he most surely did not hold back on his attack on the Republican’s support for the dismantling of Medicare.  Make no mistake people. Republicans do wish to get rid of Medicare and any other programs that would help citizens who aren’t wealthy/ well off. This has been a long time in the making.

  Listen to Weiner slap them up beside their feeble heads with the truth.

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY)


Thursday, May 26, 2011

GOP Is Toast In 2012

   There is  nothing quite so pleasing as sitting back and watching the GOP bleed to death from the cutting of their own throats with their pretty much unanimous endorsement of Paul Ryan’s budget. Their plan to issue Medicare “ coupons “ to the future elderly is a slap in the face to those who will need the program, while at the same time his budget does not do a whole hell of a lot towards cutting the deficit. It does however, help the budget of the rich by giving them another tax cut, which even they know isn’t necessary.

   Political-right supporter David Frum is one of the few on that side of the fence who has actually come out of the bullshit lounge and has taken a look at things in reality world.

I used to worry that Sarah Palin would be the Barry Goldwater of 2012. My bad. Paul Ryan is the Barry Goldwater of 2012.

The Goldwater effect continues on this morning after the NY-26 debacle. Henry Olsen of AEI, as smart a political numbers guy as can be found on the political right, crunches the numbers to compare the performance of the 2011 special election candidates with the district-wide performance of all other GOP and Democratic candidates in 2010. He finds:

Republican congressional candidate Jane Corwin is running 18 points behind the worst-performing Republican of 2010

Democrat Kathy Hochul is running even with Barack Obama’s performance in the district in 2008 – the best Democratic showing in NY-26 in three decades.

The Republicans suffered their worst losses in the least-educated portions of the District, where former GOP voters seem to have deserted the party for an independent candidate, Jack Davis.

What should make this race all the more alarming for Republicans is that NY-26 turned into a referendum on the Ryan plan for Medicare. As Henry Olsen says:

blue-collar voters react differently to issues than the GOP base does. They are more supportive of safety-net programs at the same time as they are strongly opposed to large government programs in general. These voters crave stability and are uncertain of their ability to compete in a globalized economy that values higher education more each year. They are also susceptible to the age-old Democratic argument that the secret Republican agenda is to eviscerate middle-class entitlements to fund tax cuts for the wealthy.

  Frum  will be ignored by the GOP because he has critized  one of his own party members. we all know that  “ the Borg  “  does not allow such things to happen because it goes against the collective.