Friday, June 10, 2011

Florida Governor Scott Delivering The Jobs…Not!

The lies that this American Taliban Member will tell has no limits.

 Here he takes credit for jobs coming to Boca Raton.

For Gov. Rick Scott's charade of the day, he's championing the move of a Canadian company's U.S. headquarters to Boca Raton -- a move that was nearly cemented before the governor even took office.  [...]

The press release from Scott's office happens to ignore the fact that a deal existed before Scott went to his trip:

"This announcement speaks volumes about the strides we are taking to create the best business environment in the U.S.," the governor says. "Many companies here in Canada have expressed their desire to do business with Florida because of our excellent business climate and commitment to cut taxes and grow jobs - proof that we are capturing the attention of the business community worldwide."

So, What?

Who gives a crap

by Muskegon Critic @ DKos

Every day it seems there's a new thing to completely alienate me from American politics.

The obsession with Anthony Wiener's dick shots. The obsession with the latest dumb ass shit Sarah Palin said about Paul Revere or other topic. The obsession with some congressman who solicited sex through Craigslist.

You know, forget about the millions of Americans in poverty, struggling with hunger, the crushing unemployment, the cities lain to waste...forget about all that. Forget about it. Because we have political celebrities to follow.

Maybe...maybe...just MAYBE...maybe someday Americans will start giving a shit about shit that impacts their lives rather than giving a shit about shit that won't impact shit.

Maybe...just MAYBE...Americans who are hurting, losing their jobs, homes, savings, health care...see this as just some distant political masturbation by a class of people who have NOTHING to lose. NOTHING. NOTHING to lose. While the rest of America is ignored some more.

It's just so much easier for all of us to agree that posting your dick online is a bad idea...and it's so much easier for us all to agree that Sarah Palin is a dumbass.

But you know...the longer I'm immersed in this Punch and Judy game the more it's obvious it's just a distraction from actual peoples' lives.

The rest of us scum of America...the filthy, unwashed's fine if we engage in these acts because we're worthless, futureless nobodies. But dear god, being wrong about history and online dalliances for our congressmen or idiotic half therm Alaskan Governors, these issues deserve to be front and center in NATIONAL NEWS because these people need to be held up to a higher standard than the rest of us putrid, useless Americans. us MORE of these crotch shots from Brittany Spears or Anthony Weiner or whoever is showing their genitals because dear God this is so much more useful to us and so much simpler than actual policy that makes my life more bearable as an American.

This bullshit focus on the cult of personality and fame in DC isn't helping anybody.

It Is Not Helping Anybody.

If this little game of who does or says what stupid shit on their own personal time is what is meant by electing more and better Democrats, then count me out.

I didn't sign on to play some role in a political tabloid game. I signed on to get shit done. can almost hear the politicos on both sides of the aisle heave a sigh of relief that this Weiner thing and Palin thing has taken the pressure off to actually get anything done. All they have to do is show the right amount of indignance and they can ride that for a couple weeks or news cycles.

This Weiner's stupid. This Palin-Paul Rever thing, it's also stupid.
