Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fox News Viewership Declines Again…

…so one has to wonder if the viewers have finally figured out that the news channel is really a propaganda arm of the conservatives, and that maybe those viewers are tired of being rated as the most misinformed on current events.

   The latest Q2 2011 ratings have Fox News as being the only cable news network losing viewers year-over-year, while CNN had double-digit growth compared to the same period last year.



In M-F prime, CNN was up +16% in total viewers (725k vs. 625k) and +29% in the key demo (235k vs. 182k) compared to Q210, while MSNBC’s growth was less, increasing only 3% among total viewers (924k vs. 894k) and 13% in the demo 25-54 (277k vs. 245k).  Fox News continued to lose viewers vs. the same quarter a year ago, declining -6% in M-F prime total viewers (2.151m vs. 2.293m) and down -14% in the demo 25-54 (506k vs. 585k).


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