Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Satire: Fun With The GOP

  There is just way to much material out there in Internet/TV land to put up all of the jokes and pictures that I would like for you to view.

    I usually do this post on Friday, but my Internet had a “ stupid seizure “ for most of the day. it seems to be doing that a lot as of late.

Conan O'Brien: "In a new interview, Rick Perry said it was a mistake for him to participate in the presidential debates. Perry said 'I'm not one of these 'word talkers.'''

"Michele Bachmann said she wants her three daughters to learn to shoot a gun. Mostly so they can put her campaign out of its misery."

"Michele Bachmann's campaign is in a lot of trouble. Five staffers quit her campaign, claiming it was because she treated them like second-class citizens. However, Bachmann said, 'That's not true. At no time did I treat them like gays or Latinos.'"

David Letterman; "Rick Perry is now behind in the polls and he's not taking it well. Today he executed his pollster."

"Rick Perry, started out like a ball of fire from Texas and then he started to drop and now he's retooling. He's adding advisers to his campaign team. This guy had advisers? Really?"

Jay Leno: "Michele Bachmann told reporters that she will lead the nation in prayer if she is elected president. You know if she is elected president, we all better be praying. She doesn’t have to lead us."

"According to polls, Rick Perry has now fallen to fifth place. You know who is in fourth place? Carrot Top."

"We had President Obama on the show last night. I think the president enjoys visiting NBC because we're the only place that has lower numbers than he does."

"Rick Perry unveiled his new tax plan. He says he wants a flat tax. He believes that tax should be flat, just like the earth."







A Sad GOP Senator Admits GOP Led Congress Is Bad

  By   roseeriter    Fri Oct 28, 2011     Original

So, some GOPpers know they're wrong, why don't they make things right? Like crying Boehner, Linsey Graham sheds a tear also (see video at link).

Sad-Sack Congresscritters Hate Themselves Almost As Much As Everyone Else Hates Them

Sen. Lindsey Graham is so embarrassed about the 9 percent approval rating — released Tuesday night in a New York Times/CBS poll — that he’s going incognito.
“It’s so bad sometimes I tell people I’m a lawyer,” the South Carolina Republican told POLITICO on Wednesday. “I don’t want to be associated with a body that in the eyes of your fellow citizens seems to be dysfunctional. It matters to me.”

“We’re below sharks and contract killers,” added freshman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).

While Obama has shaped the early part of his presidential campaign around attacking a dysfunctional Congress, his approval numbers aren’t great either, sitting at a glum 46 percent, with 38 percent approving of his handling of the economy.
But 38 percent believe Obama has a clear plan for job creation, compared to just 20 percent for Hill Republicans.

Compared to Congress, “he’s a rock star,” Graham declared.


“There’s always been a healthy disdain for political institutions,” Graham said. “But when it becomes unhealthy is when 91 percent of the country believes that the Congress is detached from reality.”

Then SHOUT it out from the highest mountain, Hypocrits!!

Unsign those god forsaken cult-like Pledges, Idiots!

Try to remember when you were  real Americans, Assholes!!

Stop being corporate Prostitutes, Jerks!

Try Truth to power. It feels better.

Also republished by Class Warfare Newsletter: WallStreet VS the Working Class Occupy movement..