Thursday, September 13, 2012

Romney Smiles At News Of American Deaths In Libya

By Justin "Filthy Liberal Scum" Rosario  September 12, 2012

From Addicting Info  

Romney Smiles

This is Mitt Romney immediately after giving his poorly thought out statement to the press blaming the Obama administration for “sympathiz(ing) with those who waged the attacks.” Notice anything odd about him? Does that look like a man who just expressed disgust at the loss of American lives in Libya? Does he look disturbed that the President of the United States is supposedly taking the side of the Libyan rioters that killed them? Is that the face of a man who feels the weight of the responsibility of leadership in times of crises?

Not even a little.

This is the smile of a man who thinks he just landed a roundhouse in a political boxing match. This is the smile of a man who is using the death of Americans to score cheap political points. This is the smile of a man who couldn’t keep a smirk off his face long enough to be in private over his supposed “victory” that has turned into a debacle. This is the smile of a man who, literally, cares more about his campaign than the death of an American ambassador and several of his staff.

It’s one thing for the left to say that Mitt Romney is cold and indifferent to other people’s suffering. It’s quite another to see him smiling over how useful the deaths of others has been to him. This is not the face of the leader of a nation, this is the face of a sociopath, incapable of empathy or compassion. This is the real Mitt Romney and it’s a picture that every person in the country should see.

Obama Campaign Donates $1 Million To Romney Campaign

  This was just to good to pass up

  By WilliamKWolfrum Wed Sep 12, 2012

WASHINGTON – The re-election campaign for President Barack Obama has made a $1 million donation to the Mitt Romney campaign. The donation comes on the heels of Romney’s recent foray into foreign affairs, accusing Obama of sympathizing with Islamic extremists, despite the fact that it never happened and that Romney got just about everything about the situation wrong.

Sources close to the Obama campaign said they wanted to make the donation to give Romney more chances to appear on television so voters could see more of him.

“For a long time, we were worried about raising less money than the Romney campaign,” said an Obama campaign strategist. “Now we realize that it is an advantage for us. The more people see of Romney, the better things look for Barack.”

Romney – who when still and silent looks incredibly Presidential – has struggled with his mouth and thought process the entire campaign. From forgetting to mention the troops at the RNC Convention, to seeming completely detached to how much money he actually has, to blatantly lying about Obama’s Presidency, and much, much more, Romney has put himself in line to be the worst Republican nominee for President since John McCain.

The Team Obama source said that it is obvious that Romney gets stupider the more money he has, thus it is vital for him to speak as much as possible these next two months.

“He looks good, but the man has no clue, and we want to hear more from him,” said the source. “So we ask all Obama supporters to donate to the Romney campaign. Because the more people see Mitt, the more people will realize he has no business being anywhere near the Presidency.”


Crossposted at William K. Wolfrum Chronicles