Tuesday, November 14, 2006

 George W. Bush: Supergenius

                                                       by DarkSyde via Daily Kos
One can almost picture Bush or Cheney as Wile E. Coyote chasing the Roadrunner. You know the Looney Tunes classic: The delusional but ever optimistic Coyote runs out of land at about the same time his jet-powered Acme roller-skates sputter and die, and with eyes wide, realizes that he's suddenly, briefly, suspended in midair. No matter what Wile E. does at that point, he's in for a musical descent culminating in a tiny puff of smoke at the bottom of a long fall. After repeated failures, even a toddler comes to appreciate that the Coyote isn't exactly where a self anointed supergenius should be on the learning curve. Indeed, Bush's many blunders would make for some quality slapstick cartoon fun -- if they hadn't cost the lives and limbs of real, flesh and blood, human beings.

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