Monday, November 27, 2006

Limbaugh on a tear again!

(November 27, 2006 -- 09:36 PM EDT    TPM

Here's Rush Limbaugh saying that because all the Bush mumbojumbo in Iraq hasn't panned, we should just "blow the place up." I know we're supposed to get really outraged over this sort of thing and bent out of shape. But why exactly? These guys -- really the whole movement -- are so pitiful, such utterly pathetic whiners and fools, it's hard to treat them as anything but spoiled children.

We'll bring democracy to the world because liberty isn't the property of one culture or civilization but God's gift to mankind. But if these friggin' towel-heads won't get with the program, then, well, just nuke'em.'

It's like talking to a five year old with behavior problems. And this is Russert's interlocutor, represents the mindset of those who still control the executive branch.
-- Josh Marshall


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