Thursday, February 08, 2007

White House Backs Pelosi Plane Use

   It's been played out in all of the various media entities but I hadn't noticed if anyone had covered the fact that the White House is backing Nancy Pelosi on the use of an airplane to fly to California.

White House spokesman Tony Snow :

"It is important for the Speaker to have this kind of protection and travel. It was certainly appropriate for Speaker Hastert. And so we trust that all sides will get this worked out."

   This has to be a first! Tony Snow actually got one right! I may send him a get well snowball!

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Anonymous said...

I agree that the house speaker needs a plane, but not a 757 Jumbo Jet that cost taxpayers $2200 an hr just for fuel. Along with 16 Crew members. This is outragous, and she should be ashamed of herself for even thinking she has a right to this extravagance.

Anonymous said...

A 757 is a bit to much, but it was not Pelosi who made that decision. as it turns out, she never made the request in the first place.