Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Edwards Says No To Fox News Debate

    John Edwards has stepped up to the plate and said that he will not be attending the Fox News ( ? ) debate in Nevada.

   In an email the Edwards Deputy Campaign Manager sent to Kos, they stated:

We will not be participating in the Fox debate. We're going to make lots of appearances in Nevada, including debates. By the end of March, we will have attended three presidential forums in Nevada - and there are already at least three proposed Nevada debates. We're definitely going to debate in Nevada, but we don't see why this needs to be one of them.

   It's nice to hear that John Edwards is telling Fox News ( ? ) that they aren't needed for a debate host. Someone with a brain in their head needs to take charge and lead the other candidates away from what will surely be nothing but the usual Fox bullshit afterward when all that we will hear is lies and the twisting of the candidates words for weeks, if not months. The Democratic candidates do not need to give the Fox elementary news division any openings.