Saturday, May 05, 2007

Bush Approval Down to 28%

   According to the latest poll done by NEWSWEEK, George Bush is down to a 28% approval rating.  I didn't think that he was still up that high!


19. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?

                        Current Total

Approve                    28%

Disapprove                64%

Don't Know                 8%

   Bush continues to drag the rest of the immoral Republicans down into the hole with him, which is just great if you are a Democrat, or anything else for that matter!

The last president to be this unpopular was Jimmy Carter who also scored a 28 percent approval in 1979. This remarkably low rating seems to be casting a dark shadow over the GOP’s chances for victory in ’08. The NEWSWEEK Poll finds each of the leading Democratic contenders beating the Republican frontrunners in head-to-head matchups.

     Check out this info from the poll:

When the NEWSWEEK Poll asked more than 1,000 adults on Wednesday and Thursday night (before and during the GOP debate) which president showed the greatest political courage—meaning being brave enough to make the right decisions for the country, even if it jeopardized his popularity —more respondents volunteered Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton (18 percent each) than any other president. Fourteen percent of adults named John F. Kennedy and 10 percent said Abraham Lincoln. Only four percent mentioned George W. Bush. (Then again, only five percent volunteered Franklin Roosevelt and only three percent said George Washington.)

A majority of Americans believe Bush is not politically courageous: 55 percent vs. 40 percent. And nearly two out of three Americans (62 percent) believe his recent actions in Iraq show he is “stubborn and unwilling to admit his mistakes,” compared to 30 percent who say Bush’s actions demonstrate that he is “willing to take political risks to do what’s right.”

     Out of the 28% who approve of Bush and the job that he is doing, I would venture to say that 20% of them are family members, 20% Fox News viewers, and the other 60% are GOP politicians and companies with their hands in the cookie jar!
