Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bush's Permanent Tax Cuts And The Economy

  Not going to say anything here. We are just going to look at the rhetoric from Bush and the facts. This is basically just a little observation.

"I think when people take a look back at this moment in our economic history, they'll recognize tax cuts work."
-- President Bush, 3/12/08


"[M]aking the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and Alternative Minimum Tax relief permanent would add $4.3 trillion to deficits and debt over just the next ten years and would substantially worsen the nation's already serious long-term fiscal problems."
-- Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, 1/28/08 American Progress

  I'm trying to figure out what George Bush's tax cuts have done for me. Hmmm. Due to those cuts and the mess in Iraq, my food supply costs have gone up. The dollar has gone down in value, Exxon is making a killing while the price of oil goes upwards to close at $110.33 today. My work hours have been cut back and my salary can't keep up with all of the food, gas, and medical supplies that I use.

   Thanks for those tax cuts George! Instead of stimulating the economy and creating jobs, you have shot it dead! I'll bet that even the stock market closes lower when Bush leaves office than it was when he entered the office.