Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is It Over For McCain?

  I missed the debate last night because I was stuck at the border crossing, in line, waiting to get back into the United States. Mexico must have has some kind of a sale going on, who knows.

  But from the videos that I have taken peeks at, it appears that John McCain bit the dust in this debate also. I was amused with McCain's  " dear in headlights " look and a few other facial expressions that he had. I see that he still can't get past the " grumpy old man " attitude.

   That being said...

   Joan Vennochi  of The Boston Globe has an interesting take on McCain's performance and his chances for the White House.

IT'S OVER. John McCain still hasn't told the country why he should be president.

He has talking points. He is against taxes, earmarks, and pork. But he can't knit what he opposes into a coherent economic philosophy that would inspire voters to get behind him in the final days of this presidential campaign.

He has an inspirational life story. But in this campaign, he never connected his biography to his presidential ambition, and he never told voters how it would shape a McCain administration and make him a better president than his opponent.

McCain has long years of political experience, exactly what Democrat Barack Obama lacks. But McCain is unable to explain why his experience makes him better able to lead the country.

Obama grinned; McCain grimaced.

Each knows his destiny. One man is walking to the White House. The other is just a politically dead man walking.

   McCain and the Republican have only one hope left for the White House. That is either to steal this election or the voter disenfranchisement which they have been hard at work on. Get as many Democratic voters off of the voting rolls as possible as we have seen in Ohio and their lame attempt to do so in Montana. This action by the GOP will be spreading to other states at a more rapid pace.