Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Government/Economy In Collapse

…And that is exactly what is happening people! Our United States government, with the exception of the chosen few who have been mining the store, is slowly and surely going down straight into the toilet. Guess what? There is nothing that you or I can do about it. Mainstream America is smack dab in the middle of a royal screwing that we are not going to like.
President Obama isn’t going to help any one of us during this so-called economic crisis. That’s not his duty. Obama’s duty is to do the bidding of those Wall Street bankers here in the United States and also to help out the other bankers from around the world who actually are running things on the various continents. Those big, invisible bankers are running not only our government, but they are also running many other governments.
Proof? How about those massive bailouts that former President Bush started handing out to AIG, Bank of America, and others, which or new President Obama has also continued to do?
Think about something else for a second or two also. Economic expansion is the goal of the new administration? Yet they are doing the same thing that Bush and his cronies have been doing for years. The Obama administration is handing trillions of our tax dollars over to the banks and the brokerages with no oversight of any kind thus far. You and I get plenty of lip service about Congressional oversight but we see nothing at this point.
So. Is giving all of our money to the bankers stimulating the economy? I would say NO. It may be stimulating the bankers and their shareholders economy quite a bit, but it is not doing jack crap for the economy in which you and I are living. When was the last time that you got a bonus for being incompetent? We don’t get a bonus, we get a pink slip.
This bull of handing out our tax dollars to the biggest corporations in the country because some are considered to big to fail is just a different variation of those old Reagan “ trickle down “ economic policies. The cash will not trickle down but it will tidal wave across to most of those who have more than they will ever need. What do you and I get? A few crumbs if we are lucky and those very wealthy folks feel a tinge of guilt. Don’t count on it happening.
If any one of those idiots in Washington where really looking out for our interest and the best interest of this country then they would be issuing most of our tax dollars back to you and myself in the form of some very hefty government checks so that we could spend the money on whatever strikes our fancy, thus helping our economy.. You want an economic stimulus Washington, D.C.? Give the cash to mainstream America and watch how quickly we bring America from out of the abyss! Giving the cash to the wealthy is not going to stimulate out economy, as we have already been seeing.     (Continued)