….only this time it was with a group of business officials on Long Island yesterday (Thur.) and of course, Ms. Palin had plenty of ignorant things to say. Here are a few of them.
When she got around to her ambitions to be in the White House, and to have a Republican in it either way, she said that a woman would be better qualified. She also had the gall to recite her resume, with all of her qualifications.
I am still thinking of leading this country. I am still thinking about it. I haven't made up my mind. We hired a chief of staff because Todd is getting tired of doing it for me."
When asked who else she might envision at the top of the GOP ticket Palin responded, "No one is more qualified to multi-tasking and doing all the things you need to do as a President than a woman."
"What I would look for in terms of character is someone who's been on the front lines, who understands how to administer, how to lead a team, how to run a business."
Emphasis added by myself.
My favorite quote was one she gave in regards to Michelle Obama’s push for women to breast-feed their babies.
“No wonder Michelle Obama is telling people to breast feed their babies, because the price of milk is rising so high."
Sarah Palin brings the feeling of wanting to throw up every time I read her nonsense, so you can go HERE to read a little more.
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