Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Tea Party: From Bloom To Doom ?

   When the Tea Party began a few years back, the group was the hottest thing going in the political world of America. Now, in 2011? Not so much if you look at rally attendance figures.


   It does not help that the party claimed to be for the  “ average Joe “ and then turns out to be the group that wants to change Medicare, Social Security, and then still give  even more tax breaks to the wealthy.


  To make matters worse  for the Tea Party, they insist on using an idiot to draw crowds to the rally's. I am speaking of Sarah Palin, of course. How did she do in Wisconsin? Not so bad for a Palin moments, but the teabaggers still could not compete with the “ real “ Americans who out numbered them  both in presence and vocal ability.


   Let the shout-downs continue and let the questions fly at assembly meetings across the United States. Don’t let those congressional reps. of off the hook.