Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Obama Has Lead With Small Business Owners

  Yep, another category that Mitt Romney falls behind in is the small business group. It would appear that the Romney campaign’s  “ you didn’t build that “ smear against President Obama isn’t gaining any traction with those business owners as they had hoped.

  New Polling;

Nearly half of small business owners (47 percent) plan to vote for a second term for the president, compared to 39 percent who plan to vote for Mitt Romney, according to a new poll conducted by the George Washington University School of Political Management and Even more importantly, perhaps, the president is perceived as more supportive of small companies by the most coveted group of voters — independents.

  It was only a month ago that a different poll had Mitt Romney with a pretty comfortable lead over Obama with main street businesses. The Romney people have thus far managed to screw up everything that they touch and that will not change any time soon.


Respondents to the Thumbtack-GWU poll, more than 95 percent of whom had 10 or fewer employees, listed the economy, and especially unemployment and the job market, as their top concern, ahead of partisanship. Just 3 percent said taxes were their top issue.