Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Alcoholic Friend:Final Chapter

Just how much crap is one supposed to take from a sorry-assed person before one says “enough?”

As many of you know from a few past postings of mine, I've been involved with a female who happens to be a hardcore alcoholic with a few mental problems. By involved I do not mean in any type of sexual involvement. That would be the farthest thing from my mind as I have a very low tolerance for drinkers in general.

No, I have wasted my time in trying to help this woman get her act together, and i have just recently realized that I’ve been getting the worst side of the deal. I found this woman living out in the streets and she happened to be doing a little food-stamps sales and a little bit of whoring around with the old men at a county complex in order to pay for her beer habit. All of her so-called friends are nothing but low-life crack heads and pill poppers and alcoholics to top it off. She’d rather listen to those bums than to hear anything that someone who cares about her has to say.

Enough is enough! I’ve had all that i am going to put up with. We’ve been sharing a place for the past 3 months and for the most part it has been a horror story. I leave for work at 6 in the morning and all that she did was lay around drinking that nasty Natural Ice crap which no one in their right mind would consider as a beer. It had got to the point that she’d be drinking when I went to bed at night and she would still be drinking,or drunk, when I got up in the morning. there were burn holes on the couch and beer cans knocked over on the floor with beer still in them. She wouldn’t remember what was said to her only a few hours earlier,much less days before.

She finally did do something that I’d been trying to get her to do for at least the past 10 months. She was getting tired of waking up with the shakes every morning from alcohol withdrawals so she decided to go into a county detox program. I thought that was a good thing and her tri[up to detox lasted for a week before she was released. Sunday,October 9 would have been three weeks for her having been sober. Like I said,would have been. She got a little angry at me earlier in the evening because I got on her a little bit for not restocking the refrigerator with some soda.

That is no big deal but I am a diabetic and I keep cases of diet drinks around the house,which are normally drank by only myself. I keep at least 10 cans in the fridge because I do not like having to drink a warm can of soda when I want one. Ice? That would be great if not for the fact that when I go for ice, the trays are in the freezer and usually empty.

I told her to put some cans in the fridge after she removed the last one, and she got an attitude over it. I usually do it 99% of the time, so if one time killed her to do it, then I have no use for her. So she left about 6 hours ago and just recently sent me a text saying that she was staying at a friends for the night. It don’t work that way in my place. We had an agreement that we do not stay out overnight for any reason. This is an infraction that I will not except since her friend are pretty much worthless when it comes to doing anything of value for anyone.

She called me up a little after the text, and it was very obvious that she was drinking. said she wasn’t coming home and then spat out a lot of obscenities before I hung up.

I AM FINISHED with this creature. She knows now that when she shows up on Sunday that her belongings will be outside on the porch. I’ve had my fill and I've much better things to do with my time.

Readers, you do not know the half of what I’ve gone through with this creature, so many of you will call me an asshole or even worse. I do not really care as it is my sanity that is on the line here.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Media Enablers

Daily Kos
Shame on the Media
by Dr Teeth Wed Jul 21, 2010

By now everyone knows the story of Shirley Sherrod. The new storyline is whether the Obama administration will restore her status. There is no question they should make this right, but I would prefer it happen behind the scenes.

Still, the question is not what the White House did. It isn't what the NAACP did. It isn't even what the right wing hacks did.

The question is whether the media did their due diligence, before reporting this story.
The tea partier behind this is human garbage, so let's just get that out of the way first. The internet is full of people of his ilk. You simply have to search youtube for a couple minutes, and you'll find a multitude of intellectually dishonest propaganda.

That being said, there is no defense in that fact. Journalism is not a function of populism. Before any news agency touched the story, they should have done the responsible thing. They were about to spur racial tensions, and any producer in television knew the demographic reactions, which would result.

Someone at CNN did actually dig the real story up. They followed the simple process of getting both sides of the story, and are deserving of some admiration. Of course they ran the story like everyone else, before seeking out all sides, so this admiration is tempered.

MSNBC or NBC failed to do this. CBS, ABC and newspapers failed to do this. Every morning show on every network, tapped directly into the race baiting for ratings. I refuse to give Fox News the credential of reviewing their vetting process, as they are simply a right wing blog on TV.

This isn't some complex ruse to debunk. Whenever someone sends me a link to a blog or youtube video, I assume it is bullshit. I've been on the internet as long as the world wide web has existed (and a little before that), and my skepticism is well earned. There isn't really citizen journalism, only citizen propaganda.

I do what ever reasonable person should do. I read something on the internet, then seek a credible source for it elsewhere. This level of skepticism should be the standard for everyone who isn't a political hack.

It certainly should be the standard for the media that unjustly got a good woman fired yesterday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Government Waste: Many S.S.I. Checks...

... and before the reader starts out with "S.S.I. checks aren't waste," let me state that I do not think that all of these checks are the result of government waste. Many people receive these checks, and rightfully so, as they have true needs for the little money that they get from the government.
I am referring to those individuals who get these checks who have no real disability. Their problem is that they have gotten to damned lazy to get off of their asses and work. Those are the alcoholics and crack-heads of the world in most cases.
Some of you probably know a few of these kinds of people who have applied for S.S.I. (Supplemental Security Income) while claiming some kind of disability, either physical or mental.
What I have discovered,based on personal observation, is that many people are just looking for an easy way out of working and of being responsible for their own self/lively-hood. Many of these people lay around the home ( if they have one ) drinking "Natural Ice" beer all day or either popping pills or smoking crack, or all of the above. At the same time, they blame everyone but themselves for their self-created problems.
So how do certain people manage to get S.S.I. checks? Lets take a look at one individual who shall remain nameless.
The woman is 55 years of age and an alcoholic. She has been a drinker for at least 30years. She is on medication to sleep at night and she also takes meds for high blood pressure and some Prozac because she's been diagnosed as being bipolar. The woman is totally functional in her day to day activities until she starts on the drinking. After that, she ain't worth to much when it comes to doing anything of consequence.
When sober, she can do anything that she sets her mind to doing. She could hold down a job if she so desires, but she doesn't wish to do that. I guess that that would interfere with all of that drinking time, so how does she support the beer habit? From bumming of off her fellow beer drinkers, none of who work either, or by selling off some of her food stamps.
At this point in time, I will stop this article because the woman in question has had an accident on Tuesday. She was hit by an automobile while crossing the street, and, she was in a crosswalk. I'll follow up on this in my next post, but it seems that even though she was in the crosswalk, she still was not in the right.

The victom in this case is doing just fine in light of what happened to her. She has gone through two surgeries after having had one of her feet broken in 9 places and a sprained ankle. She is now recovering an one of Tampa's rehab centers.
I'll continue with the posting that I had started on dealing with S.S.I. recipients who really have no disabilities other than laziness, in a few days.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Time And Life In General This Past Year

While i sit here waiting to get paid after a hard days work ( NOT) I figured that I'd do this post just to kill some time.
I don't care for the Christmas holidays all to much, in case you didn't no that. I like the New Years holiday much better. This sorry assed year is almost over and none to soon! Those of you who have been here for awhile no that i've had a very shitty year starting from last January up till now even, so this year can stop dead in its tracks right now.
Let me see. First there was the ice storm which knocked me off-line for two weeks at the start of the year. We all know that i lost a sahit-load of ad revenue thanks to that crap. Then there were the tornado's which screwed things up once again. then I filed wage violation charges against my employer, which are settled as of now for the most part. Then i came to Florida. Ha! Bad move? Time will tell I guess.
So I missed most of Preseident Obama's first year in office which is one reason why there hasn't been to much posting on the political topic. We all know about my vacation with a certain alcoholic that I met, so further talk isn't necessary.
Anyway, 2010 is only a week away, finally. Those of you who know me also understand that I'm coming out swinging when this year kicks in. No more bullshit from my other half or from anyone else for that matter. I have a few scores to settle with a few individuals who seem to think that that nice.calm, quiet Micheal is going to let them just pass on their "sins." that ain't gonna happen. On top of that, i'm going to be covering the stuff that I started out covering in the first place, along with my usual take on life in Tampa Bay.
That's it for now. Have a great Christmas and a Happy,prosperous New Year.