Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Government Waste: Many S.S.I. Checks...

... and before the reader starts out with "S.S.I. checks aren't waste," let me state that I do not think that all of these checks are the result of government waste. Many people receive these checks, and rightfully so, as they have true needs for the little money that they get from the government.
I am referring to those individuals who get these checks who have no real disability. Their problem is that they have gotten to damned lazy to get off of their asses and work. Those are the alcoholics and crack-heads of the world in most cases.
Some of you probably know a few of these kinds of people who have applied for S.S.I. (Supplemental Security Income) while claiming some kind of disability, either physical or mental.
What I have discovered,based on personal observation, is that many people are just looking for an easy way out of working and of being responsible for their own self/lively-hood. Many of these people lay around the home ( if they have one ) drinking "Natural Ice" beer all day or either popping pills or smoking crack, or all of the above. At the same time, they blame everyone but themselves for their self-created problems.
So how do certain people manage to get S.S.I. checks? Lets take a look at one individual who shall remain nameless.
The woman is 55 years of age and an alcoholic. She has been a drinker for at least 30years. She is on medication to sleep at night and she also takes meds for high blood pressure and some Prozac because she's been diagnosed as being bipolar. The woman is totally functional in her day to day activities until she starts on the drinking. After that, she ain't worth to much when it comes to doing anything of consequence.
When sober, she can do anything that she sets her mind to doing. She could hold down a job if she so desires, but she doesn't wish to do that. I guess that that would interfere with all of that drinking time, so how does she support the beer habit? From bumming of off her fellow beer drinkers, none of who work either, or by selling off some of her food stamps.
At this point in time, I will stop this article because the woman in question has had an accident on Tuesday. She was hit by an automobile while crossing the street, and, she was in a crosswalk. I'll follow up on this in my next post, but it seems that even though she was in the crosswalk, she still was not in the right.

The victom in this case is doing just fine in light of what happened to her. She has gone through two surgeries after having had one of her feet broken in 9 places and a sprained ankle. She is now recovering an one of Tampa's rehab centers.
I'll continue with the posting that I had started on dealing with S.S.I. recipients who really have no disabilities other than laziness, in a few days.