Crossposted from The Huffington Post
Associated Press | Don Babwin | Posted November 27, 2006 11:59 PM
A public Christmas festival is no place for the Christmas story, the city says. Officials have asked organizers of a downtown Christmas festival, the German Christkindlmarket, to reconsider using a movie studio as a sponsor because it is worried ads for its film "The Nativity Story" might offend non-Christians.
New Line Cinema, which said it was dropped, had planned to play a loop of the new film on televisions at the event. The decision had both the studio and a prominent Christian group shaking their heads.
Can you imagine that? Some non-Christians might get offended! Oh what a shame! If the non-Christians don't like it then I think that they should just pack the hell up and go the home!
"God bless America?" I do believe that God has pretty much stopped blessing America a long time ago as a nation because we have given into this sort of crap. We have forgotten how to look toward God first and we have worried to much about hurting someone else's feelings instead.
It is a sad day when we are worrying about upsetting a group of non- believers. Michael d.