Saturday, October 06, 2012

Family Budgets, Bain Capital and Jesus in SC

  do you want to know just how bad the Republican Party and their corporate backers are fucking up the poor and the middle-class in America?  Then look no further than the state of South Carolina as an example of Republican/corporate corruption and the dismantling of Democracy.

   From wjhamilton29464, a Family Court lawyer in South Carolina, who posted the day after the debate:

Yesterday evening the President of the United States attempted to walk a blurred line between perception and reality which the Republicans have been smudging since Richard Nixon took office in 1968, Reagan nearly obliterated and W. Bush finally utterly ignored.  That line is the reality that the policies of our government and the practices of our private sector define the quality of life that ordinary Americans can achieve.  The “American Dream” of wasteful, indulgent consumerism is always uphill towards a bigger house, a more expensive car and more junk to stuff in our closets.  It is always uphill and favors the hard working and diligent.  However, the steepness of that hill is set in the halls of Congress and the boardrooms of Wall Street.

This election is about weather what happens in the halls of Congress and our nation’s capital will merge with the relentless machinery of the banks and corporations to grind the American Middle Class, over the next generation or two, down to the misery that is the life of slave laborers in China.  It is an 70 year, three generation project we are already one generation into.  I can document the progress of that struggle, line by line, in my work as a Family law attorney in South Carolina.

The attack on the middle class cannot be found in the tax code, union busting or the banking regulations which blew an economy up on debt and sucked the wealth of the middle class to the Cayman Island.  It is a death of a thousand cuts enabled by the willingness of ordinary Americans to be distracted, medicated and shamed into submission by the weary club of dishonest jingoism wrapped in our tattered flag.  It is a battle working Americans such as the ones I have represented in Family Court for a generation now lose ten dollars at a time.

Read on to find out how your struggle is reflected in the struggles of the families I encounter in my legal practice, ensnared in delusions they can escape and an economy the Government refuses to control on their behalf.

In every legal action filed in the South Carolina Family Court, both parties, husbands, wives, grandparents and other relatives, are required to file a detailed family budget called a Financial Declaration.  Many people in our poorly educated state are utterly incapable of doing this so it falls on me to assist them, line by line, in what may be the only detailed examination of their Financial Status anyone will ever work out for them.  After that we fight over who pays the debts, child support and gets the remaining property.  Up until five years ago, we used to fight over the equity in the house, the savings and the pension plans but that grows increasingly rare every day.

I represent both the prosperous and the poor; Republicans and Democrats; men, women and children in a state where Democrats have been driven from political power, unions wield little influence and a rising flood of out of state money dominates our politics. 

South Carolina is not stuck in the past.  It and a handful of other relatively poor states where politics can be waged cheaply are being shaped into models for a future dominated by the power of concentrated wealth from out of state. 

In South Carolina low costs of political campaigns, racial division, a heritage of slavery and plantation labor and militarism allow the Koch Brothers and smaller players like Howard Rich to secure control of seats in our legislature for tens of thousands of dollars.  They use operatives placed in our Governor’s office to run state government on a day to day basis, gradually transitioning these “volunteers” of the payroll of some right wing political group into paid State positions.  They picked and paid for our Governor. The details being emailed to her "assistants" from ALEC and the Heritige Foundation are of no interest to the Governor.  Our Governor is flying around the country wearing short suits and SPANX in other people's jets.  Endless numbers of eager conservatives are in the pipeline to replace and supplement them.  She's happy to serve them, "having a ball."  She is Sarah Palin 2.0 beta testing the model for your state's first Republican robot Governor.

Dedicated lifelong conservatives from South Carolina with the state’s own interests in mind are sidelined, retired early or threatened into submission. Last week the Governor helped set up a new Super PAC to attack her Republican opponents with 750 thousand dollars from five out of state donors.  The hapless Democratic Party, champions of Alvin Greene and proud sponsors of over 125 candidates stricken from the 2012 ballot by botched filing procedures struggle in irrelevance.  The national Obama campaign has given up the state for dead, mining it for contributions and volunteers to deploy to North Carolina.  Democratic campaign offices here have no Tshirts, no yard signs, no buttons and no bumper stickers.  There is no printed literature with colorful pictures of the president.  Campaigns are about phone banking and road trips North, every moment of which pounds in the grinding realization that we are irrelevant.  It is destroying the remaining liberal and progressive base here.

Our state has been lost to the right wing Republican plan for America’s future and nearly everyone is attempting to avoid admitting it.

In the line items Financial Declarations I help prepare, file and read in Family Court, I can document the grinding down of the Middle class in my state, a process men like Mitt Romney have been happy to drive.

Lagging wages are the first cause.  I have seen rent rise from from 300 dollars a month to 900 for a modest two room apartment.  Wages have only doubled.  No one carries the cause of the working class to the companies who hire or the government agencies responsible for economic development.  We persist in promising cheap labor to the world.  We have seen our once massive textile industry offshore.

Jjobs are recruited at a huge, often hidden cause.  After the Union at the local Boeing contractor’s facility was decertified, the state legislature held a special session to approve unknown subsidies for a much larger plant here paying a fraction of what Boeing employees earned near Seattle.  Grants, subsidies and tax breaks for this plant were hidden around government like Easter Eggs: road construction, job training, special tax districts, low interest government guaranteed loans and land sold at below market value.  The impacts on the middle class show up as lower wages, less money for the school district, higher costs for government services elsewhere, deferred infrastructure maintenance.  Of course all of this was driven by the terror that someone would underbid South Carolina in the race to the bottom.

Every August parents pay hundreds of dollars in school fees and deliver a box of supplies to school purchased at their own expense.  The total cost of this climbs every year.  Field trips now cost money as does every sport or extra curricular activity.  Fundraising dominates PTA concerns, now paying for library books, school nurses, language teachers and art teachers.  Wealthy public schools were able to accumulate endowments when the economy was fat.  Now the fundraising auctions which used to generate fifty thousand dollars or more, struggle to raise ten from a thin economy.  Ultimately this money largely comes out of the pockets of parents.

As pressure to cut taxes has been gratified by Republicans fess have increased throughout Government.  The filing fee for an ordinary uncontested divorce case has risen from 25 to 150 dollars and a new 25 dollar fee is due for every motion filed, even uncontested ones.  Originally this money was earmarked to put recently retired judges on the bench to cut backlogs, but they’ve largely disappeared while the fees have stayed.  Traffic tickets, building permits and rental fees to use once free public meeting facilities and parks have multiplied.  Bus fare on our transit system has risen from 50 cents to $1.75.  Fines for ordinary petty offenses have risen to over a thousand dollars.  If you are found not guilty in many cases you’ll pay over 250 dollars to get your criminal arrest record cleared.

Fees for recreation department programs and admission to county parks have risen.  Everywhere Republicans are trying to “run government like a business” while cutting taxes for the wealthy.  In our area that focused on a popular program to slash real estate taxes on expensive beach front and resort property while raising sales taxes on clothing and food.  More recently another round of property tax adjustments have cut what is paid on rental and commercial property meaning now nearly no one who is wealthy enough to own property is actually paying taxes on what their property is actually worth, even if they bought it last week.  When sales taxes fall, public transit is cut, schools are closed and grass in road medians grows five feet tall because no Government agency wants to pay a contractor to cut it.

The homeowner's insurance provided by large, politically influential corporations grows ever more expensive and provides less value.  Property insurance in our hurricane exposed area now exposes homeowners to massive deductibles and co payments.  In 1989 when Hurricane Hugo smashed the coast here, my home had a deductible of one thousand dollars and no major, relevant exclusions.  Today that deductible is over thirty thousand dollars.  Thousands of often elderly homeowner have given up covering their homes, gambling the expensive coverage now available won’t be needed.  Insurance companies contribute generously to political campaigns at every level directly and through interest groups.  Republican administrated state agencies have little interest in what happens to consumers.

Heath Insurance is likewise more expensive and less voluble.  In a market and political arena dominated by Blue Cross deductibles have risen from 200 dollars a year to over a 1000 on most people's plans.  Copayments and exclusions have appeared and grown.  Of course if something serious happens, the carrier will search for some alleged preexisting condition so they can escape paying for anything.

All of these items and more show up on the Financial Declarations of the broken families I represent.  Increasingly in our traditional culture, an angry wife is lashing out at the husband and father who seems unwilling to provide the quality of life her father provided her family in 1975.  She works, paying for a vehicle, taxes and often daycare but it adds little to the family’s disposable income.  He takes odd jobs on the weekend, but it doesn’t cover the growing gap.  They’re exhausted with little time and energy for their children beyond the struggle to finish homework, school projects, fundraise and attend soccer games.  Almost none of these people have time or energy remaining for culture, political involvement or civic life.  They deeply resent those of us who do, resenting us as liberal snobs. 

For about twenty years debt and rising real estate values here in coastal South Carolina, driven by the continuous influx of wealthy retirees from the North allowed working families to hide this struggle under a rising pile of debt secured by appreciating real estate.  Families ran up lines of credit and credit cards, refinancing every few years into a new and larger mortgage.  When they could, they moved into a new and larger house so the debt monster could continue to grow.  This economy was finally supported by a desperate last few years of loans to people who could never pay them back to renovate tar paper shacks and buy the working poor minivans based on applications signed by people who didn’t understand them.  Half the people I knew were in real estate, banking or construction.  Now corporate middle management has been downsized, the big pensions are gone and the river of northern wealth headed south has dried up.

Now both the retired from elsewhere and the working locals with kids are both underwater.  There is no more money to borrow.  Dad’s weekend odd construction jobs have evaporated.  The local banks and construction companies aren’t grandstanding at the school fundraiser with a five hundred dollar check.  The fees for building permits down at Town Government have dried up.  Traffic tickets aren’t being paid.  The uninsured swamp local free clinics.  Goodwill in our once prosperous Republican town sells over 3000 items every day.

For many people, the work day has quietly expanded to nine hours or more.  Unpaid work on Saturday is now common.  They’re on salary now thanks to changes made by the Bush administration.  Staffs have been slashed and paid vacation, for those who have it, is a struggle to actually take.

I’m lucky.  I was a student of economics and history educated by pessimistic liberals in our redneck state who could see where this was going a long time ago.  My home and car are paid off.  I’ve saved.  I went  to Paris before the crash.  I resisted the pressure to leverage everything I owned to buy a house to flip seven years ago from the friendly real estate agent prepared to hook me up with a million dollar loan.  He said real estate never went down.  I replied 1931.  He's a Republican on the verge of bankruptcy who hates President Obama and attends a mega church to recruit business prospects.  We don’t talk any more. 

I provide legal services of absolute necessity which must be paid for even in the most desperate circumstances.  I treat my struggling clients well and they remember.  I now represent some of their children, whose custody I litigated twenty years ago.  I respect them.  I understand that a large part of their problem is not of their making.  I talk to them about it, but most can't accept the reality.  Their kids are different.  They hope for little.  They believe in nothing but Jesus.

More attention to the priorities of Jesus on their part won’t solve their problems despite what the teachers at the mega churches they attend say when they’re being instructed to vote Republicans so the angel of prosperity will return to America next Sunday.  A bit of attention to the priorities of Jesus, Paul Krugman or John Maynard Keynes by the men and women who rule their corporations and governments certainly would.

Last night our President listened, too patiently to Mitt Romney’s fabric of lies, woven out of the strands of delusion which have knitted in the dark halls of the right for a generation.  The President has been warned that he can’t raise the banner of class warfare.  Obama must confine this election to the safe margins of tax policy and budgets.  The President is not supposed to threaten the concentrating money at the top. He's not supposed to say that the reason you can't take your kids to the Doctor is because men exactly like Mitt Romney have rigged every economic and social transaction necessary to your survival against you because they believe you are resources to be exploited.  They have rejected the counsel of Jesus and are in league with the Devil to rob you of your rights as an American and the God given joy you are entitled to in your life.

We must remind President Obama and Mitt Romney that the miserable math of these Financial Declarations reveals a citizenry being degraded by exploitation planned in the corporate boardrooms of Wall Street, Wal-Mart and Bejing.  It is a grinding campaign of economic annialation only the Government has the power to stop.   This election is about what side our Government will be on, a choice between the priorities of women who drop their children off at daycare to work for nine hours for eight hours pay vs. women who drop in to see how their dressage horses are doing.

To pretend it is something else wont scare people, but it concedes more of the battle than is safe when the stakes are this high.

Originally posted to wjhamilton29464 on Thu Oct 04, 2012


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Con Game On the Middle-Class…

    ….and the sad thing is that many middle-class and poorer Americans will still vote for the  “ keepers of the wealthy “ no matter how many facts you toss their way. Americans have become ignorant, and the wealthy know this. But, it would appear that many of those same Americans are beginning to see the light?

   Meanwhile, GOP Texas con-artist wannabe president Rick Perry has decided that he will try his con-game on the middle-class, and Obama finally is waking up and seeing the writing on the wall, I hope.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Perry picks up pitchfork, joins class warfare fight

Georgia Logothetis for Daily Kos         Tue Sep 27, 2011

With more and more pundits asking whether Rick Perry has fizzled out, and with so many in the establishment defending the notion that a class war has already been taking place, it's not surprising that Perry's trying to jump onboard the middle class bandwagon:

JEFFERSON, Iowa — Call it a personal class war: Texas Gov. Rick Perry is trying to draw sharp class lines with his chief GOP presidential rival, the well-heeled former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

“As the son of tenant farmers, I can promise you I wasn’t born with four aces in my hand,” Perry recently told about 200 central Iowa GOP activists. He grinned and then paused to allow chuckles to roll through the audience as the message became clear: Perry was a product of humble beginnings — ordinary folk like them — while Romney came from privilege. [...]

In Iowa and elsewhere, Perry has started linking himself to the middle class, if not to low-income Americans, and tying Romney to the nation’s upper echelon. His larger strategy is to paint Romney as a pre-packaged politician out of step with everyday Americans, plant suggestions with Republicans feeling the pinch of tough economic times that Romney doesn’t understand their plight, and undermine Romney’s attempts to connect with middle-class voters.

Meanwhile, Herman Cain calls President Obama's "it's not class warfare, it's math" argument "bull----":

“Can I be blunt? That’s a lie,” Cain said, before the sound of his voice began to rise noticeably higher. “You’re not supposed to call the president a liar. Well if you’re not supposed to call the president a liar, he shouldn’t tell a lie. If it’s not class warfare, it’s highway robbery. He wants us to believe it’s not class warfare, oh okay, it’s not class warfare. Pick my pockets, because that’s what he’s doing!”

Cain paused, took a breath and looked at me.

“I’m not mad at you, I just get passionate about this stuff,” he said. “I have to tell people because I get so worked up. . . . I’m listening to all this bull__ that he’s talking about, ‘fairness’ and ‘balanced approach’ to get this economy going.”

From the reaction from voters and pundits alike, it looks like President Obama's populist strategy is less "bull----" and more "brilliant." Greg Sargeant looks at the political upside:

All this aside, the arguments from Warren and Obama — and the conservative responses to them — suggest that it’s a good thing that we’re having this argument. It’s one that’s all about priorities and basic fairness. It may be, as Kevin Drum has argued, that taxes aren’t necessarily the political winner for Dems that polls suggest. But even so, this isn’t a bad place for Democrats to be. In contrast to months of fighting it out on austerity/spending cut turf favorable to the GOP, Dems are now arguing for fairer taxation, in order to reduce the deficit, on the grounds that we’re all in this together. Meanwhile, Republicans are fighting to defend low taxes on the rich even as they decry “class warfare,” which gives Dems an opening to ask who, exactly, Republicans are fighting for.

Whatever the political benefits of this argument for Dems, it’s a good one for the country to hear.

Bob Franken also chimes in on the issue:

There is a growing realization that the real class warfare in this country is that being waged by the wealthiest against everyone else.

Study after study reveals the ugly growing chasm between haves and have nots. It's reflected in the Census Bureau report that shows one in six Americans, 15 percent, in 2010, lived below the poverty line at the bottom of the ladder, while the top 5 percent control 60 percent of America's wealth. Up until now, Obama has been frittering away these arguments as he clung to the naivete of compromise and give-and-take with an opposition that was only about take.

The President's new found populism echoes Warren Buffett. [...] Following in his footsteps could mean Obama is marching on solid ground. A USA Today-Gallup poll released just after the jobs speech found a 2-to-1 majority favoring increasing taxes on the rich. So the "class warfare" chant might be finally recognized as the empty demagoguery it is. Besides, this is a political war where until now the tea party hordes have been romping around Washington. Now Obama has decided to engage the crusaders, replacing accommodation with confrontation.

Speaking of class warfare, James Werrell explains what its effects look like:

America now has more poor people than at any time in the 52 years records have been kept, according to an article in Time magazine by economist Rana Foroohar. The number of people living below the poverty line - a family of four living on $22,000 a year - has been rising for the past four years and now stands at 15 percent of the population.

Foroohar asserts that the American Dream, the notion that anyone with grit and determination can improve his or her status, has become a sad joke. Americans now are less upwardly mobile than many European nations, including even stratified countries such as England, France and Germany.

If you're born poor in America, you're likely to stay poor. [...]

The fact is, trickle-down is a cruel hoax.

It's the failure of trickle-down economics that prompted a wealthy ex-Google exec to plead with President Obama to raise taxes on the rich during a town hall yesterday:

At the “Putting America Back to Work” LinkedIn town hall in Mountain View, Calif., Obama came face-to-face with his deficit-reduction proposal. “Would you please raise my taxes?” asked Doug Edwards a former director of consumer marketing and branding at Google, who described himself as “unemployed by choice.”

“I would like very much to have the country to continue to invest in things like Pell grants and infrastructure and job training programs that made it possible for me to get to where I am,” Edwards said. “And it kills me to see Congress not supporting the expiration of the tax cuts that have been benefitting so many of us for so long.  I think that needs to change, and I hope that you’ll stay strong in doing that.”

The question set up the president to explain why he thinks it’s necessary to reform the tax code so that “everybody is doing their fair share.”

Even comedians like Will Durst are putting their $.02 in:

When taxes are raised on the rich, oh sure – that’s class warfare. But when libraries are closed and national parks left to rot so rich people can have more money, that’s trickle-down economics. What Barack should do is rename his efforts to balance the playing field with trickle-up economics. That would at least confuse them (not that they need more confusion) – “You know what, you’re right! It is a class war you started it and your side winning.”

The Republicans are especially upset about a proposal called the Warren Buffet rule, which calls for billionaires to pay taxes at the same rate as their secretaries. The GOP puts more faith in the Jimmy Buffet rule which holds that anybody who worries about coming up with next month’s rent money next should start drinking margaritas until they pass out.

What is it with the rich? How much money do they need? How many cars can you drive? How many imported Beluga caviar cream cheese canapés can you consume at a single cocktail party?

President Obama's new fighting tone and tactics don't stop with shifting the narrative away from 24/7 deficit talk to debating the effects of income inequality. The "warrior" mentality extends to his campaign too as it prepares to aggressively challenge Republican attempts to suppress voter turnout:

COLUMBUS, Ohio — President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign is helping activists in the battleground state of Ohio challenge an election law that would shorten the time for early voting, which helped Obama in his first run for the White House.

Opponents must gather roughly 231,000 valid signatures before the law’s effective date Friday in order to block it from being in place until after the presidential election next year. That election would be the earliest chance voters would have to weigh in on whether the overhaul should be tossed out.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Polling: 73% Say Economy Getting Worse...

  and I would guess that the other 27% are either wealthy or in a coma.

   One week ago that figure  was at 61%. 10% of those polled think that the economy is getting better.

   According to polling firm Rasmussen,  53% of Americans believe that their own finances are getting worse.

  So, what about investors?

  Today, only 8% of Investors rate the economy as good or excellent, down from 31% a year ago. Sixty-four percent (64%) of Investors say the economy is in poor shape.

Looking to the future, 39% of Americans say that the economy will be stronger in a year while 31% believe it will be weaker. Longer-term, there is optimism—62% say the economy will be stronger in five years than it is today.

  The Obama administration can pump all of the money that they want to into fixes for our economy, but, unless NAFTA and the WTO is renegotiated or done away with, our economy will not get to much better. If those in Washington really want to help out the " average " American, they will change the tax code for business  to stop them from moving jobs and companies to foreign countries.  We are fucked if these things aren't changed no matter what kind of stimulus our politicians come up.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Funnies:Obama and Romney Edition

Jimmy Fallon: "A new poll found that 54 percent of Florida voters think the country is on the wrong track under President Obama. While the rest of Florida’s voters still think Teddy Roosevelt is president."

"President Obama said 1992’s dream team was better than this year’s Olympic basketball team. Which is interesting because a lot of people think 1992’s president is better than this year’s president."

"During last night's USA-Brazil basketball game, President Obama gave Michelle a kiss when they were shown on the kiss cam. That's cute. It explains why everyone was like, 'quick, put him on the fix the economy cam!'"

Jon Stewart, Mitt Romney's "retroactive retirement" from Bain: "In 2012 I realized the company I was CEO of in 1999 did things that would hurt my presidential run in the present, so I retroactively wasn't there."

"Nobody cares that Mitt Romney is rich. It's Romney’s inability to understand the institutional advantage that he gains from the government’s tax code largesse, that’s a little offensive to people, especially considering Romney's view on anyone else who looks to the government for things like, I don't know, food and medicine."

Jay Leno: "Well, President Obama and first lady Michelle went to see the U.S. Olympic basketball team play Brazil the other day. And during the game, they were put on the kiss cam. At first, they didn't kiss and the crowd booed them. Then the camera went back to them. And they finally did kiss. Isn't that amazing? A politician in Washington caught on camera kissing a woman he's actually married to?"

"The Obama administration has reportedly told Syrian rebels they can't help them until after the election. So at least they're consistent. That's the same thing they're telling us. 'Can't help you until after the election."

"Every American athlete who wears the Chinese made uniforms will get a free bootleg copy of the new Batman movie."

"During a fundraiser a country club in Mississippi, Mitt Romney said the GOP is a party focused on helping the poor. See, his wife Ann is right, he is funny. He can makes jokes."

Monday, March 12, 2007

Dyncorp Making Cash In Somalia With Security Program

African Union peacekeepers are taking up positions in Mogadishu, which has exploded into chaos after a few months of calm. The only problem with this is that they are being protected by security contractors who have been hired by the United States, the main prize winner being DynCorp International.  This would be one of Bush's favorite companies to use in this kind of activity even though Dyncorp has been involved in massive government waste and a few not quite right overseas activities.

   For instance:


In its review of work under DynCorp's $1.8 billion State Department contract, the special inspector general found that the department's lax oversight led it to pay $43.8 million for a residential camp for DynCorp trainers that has never been used.

Some of the work on the camp, including the pool and VIP trailers, was requested by the Iraqi Interior Ministry but was never authorized by U.S. officials.

   That is only the beginning of this company raping the American taxpayer and engaging in criminal acts at the same time. Another member of the exclusive Bush Crime Family.

Daily Kos 

by Mash   Sun Mar 11, 2007


DynCorp has also spread good cheer in Afghanistan in a blow to Karen Hughes' ill-fated public diplomacy mission. DynCorp's heavy-handed mercenaries that protect Afghan president Hamid Karzai have managed to upset not only the Afghans but also America's NATO allies. DynCorp's behavior in Afghanistan earned a rebuke from the State Department:

The US State Department has rebuked a private security firm over the "aggressive behaviour" of guards hired to protect Afghan leader Hamid Karzai.

US State Department's Richard Boucher said the issue was raised with DynCorp, the company that supplied the guards.

There have been several reported cases of apparently over-zealous and insensitive conduct on the part of Mr Karzai's private security contractors.

A BBC correspondent recently saw one of the guards slap an Afghan minister.

Crispin Thorold reported seeing the Afghan transport minister receive a slap from one of Mr Karzai's security guards on a visit to the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif.

 To complete the waste and public diplomacy picture, DynCorp adds child prostitution:

DynCorp is the same company whose employees hired child prostitutes while working in Bosnia a few years ago, until some people started complaining. Rather than face local justice or courts-martial, the perpetrators were simply sent home.

One of the whistleblowers, a DynCorp employee named Ben Johnston, lost his job for speaking out. He later told Congress, ''DynCorp is the worst diplomat our country could ever want overseas.''

Texas-based DynCorp's parent, CSC, declined to comment on any of these incidents, saying that it is ''constrained'' from doing so by its contracts with the State Department.

With a resume as illustrious as this, DynCorp appears poised to carry on the tradition of lawlessness into the already lawless Horn of Africa.

As the United States turns more and more to private contractors to support post-conflict operations, it must also extend the realm of accountability to include these contractors. As the story of DynCorp demonstrates, that much needed accountability is lacking. What exists today is government (tax payer) financed lawlessness that only serves to undermine any goodwill America hopes to engender in conflict regions such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. The fact that firms like DynCorp are constantly rewarded with new contracts, in the face of their bad behavior, fits a pattern of behavior for the Bush Administration - where bad behavior is rewarded and calls for accountability are often punished harshly. It is up to the long comatose Congress to protect the funds we, the tax payers, have entrusted with the government - they must ensure accountability by punishing bad behavior. It is also up to the Congress to ensure that if the United States is going to outsource war fighting and post-conflict operations to mercenaries, these mercenaries must follow the same code of conduct that we expect of our soldiers.

However, a quick look at DynCorp's donor list suggests that the bad behavior will continue, with government sanction. The hearts and minds will have to be won after the money runs out and the feeding trough is empty.  Entire Article


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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Politics’ Dirty Tricks

By Mariusz Zawadzki              10 January 2012
The schizoid situation where the candidates pose as innocents, while at the same time lead a brutal campaign through front men, is new for U.S. politics.     Translated By Anna Rygiewicz
Edited by Steven Stenzler      Origina in Polish

In his campaign adverts, Mitt Romney, the frontrunner in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, does not speak ill of other candidates. He does not even mention them. He is friendly and smiles all the time. He talks about how he will save America and find jobs for millions of unemployed. He talks about the model family he has created with his wife Ann, with whom he has been married for 42 years. He enumerates his achievements in business and politics. The ads also show the cheerful Ann who compliments the qualities of her husband’s character.
In Iowa, where the first Republican primary took place on Jan. 4 Romney spent nearly $1 million on such positive advertisements. But he did not win because of them. He beat his rivals thanks to the aggressive spots made by Restore Our Future, an independent political action committee. These ads attacked Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, who has been leading in the polls since mid-December. The spots reproached him for committing tax fraud at the end of the 1990s, for which he was punished by the Senate Ethics Committee, and for supporting the environmentalists in the fight against the greenhouse effect, which is even more embarrassing for a true American conservative.
The Restore Our Future committee, founded by Romney’s former lawyer, spent about $3 million to destroy Gingrich. The founder does not hide that he supports Romney, but apart from that he does not have anything to do with him. In accordance with the law, he is independent. When Gingrich publicly urged his rival to order the committee to stop the attacks, Romney said that he cannot contact this committee or order it to do anything, because in accordance with the law, it is independent.
The wronged Gingrich is not innocent either. He is backed as well by an “independent” political action committee, even with a similar name: Winning Our Future. Next Wednesday, Gingrich’s committee is starting a TV campaign in North Carolina, where on Jan. 21 the third primaries will take place. Advertisements costing $3.5 million will remind Americans about the history of Bain Capital.
The company, established in 1984 by Romney and his business partners, bought enterprises on the verge of bankruptcy, carried out their restructuring (which usually meant mass dismissals) and sold them at a profit.
Such a business model generated a lot of money for Romney. His assets are estimated around $250 million. They are, however, a burden in the presidential campaign. People call Romney a heartless "vulture capitalist." The candidate defends himself by saying that Bain Capital saved thousands of jobs because thanks to the restructuring of the enterprises, many of them did not go bankrupt. Of course, the Winning Our Future committee’s ads show only the people who were fired by Romney’s company.
The schizoid situation where the candidates pose as innocents, while at the same time lead a brutal campaign through front men, is new for U.S. politics. The Supreme Court of the United States led to this situation when it ruled in January 2010 that private companies may without any restrictions finance the "independent” political action committees. Any such committee (super PAC) can, in turn, without any limitations finance its candidate's advertisements, provided that it does not contact him or her (which means it remains "independent.”)
The justices' decision was a real revolution because in the U.S. private companies cannot finance candidates, and private persons may donate no more than $2,500 to their favorite politician (or $30,800 to a political party.)
The U.S. Supreme Court created a legal loophole thanks to which many corporations can finance candidates without any limitations. And in secret, too! Although the “independent” committees have to disclose the donors, there can be among them a 501(c)4 organization (the name comes from section 501(c)4 of the Internal Revenue Code), and such an organization is not obliged to disclose the donors, provided that supporting a particular candidate is not its principal activity. This regulation is perfect for money laundering. Successfully making use of it is, among others, Karl Rove, the master Republican strategist and the most effective bursar of the Republican Party, who has founded American Crossroads, an independent committee, and a 501(c)4 organization called American GPS. The committee receives money from the organization, which gets it from God knows where.
Many politicians, including President Barack Obama and his Republican rival from 2008 Sen. John McCain, criticized the Supreme Court's ruling. It blurs the already fuzzy connections between business and politics in Washington. Now, when a congressman votes for, let’s say, tax reductions for the oil industry, you never know whether it is because he actually believes them to be good for the U.S., or simply because his campaign was secretly sponsored by the oil industry.
And the elections change sometimes into a cabaret because the "independence" of the PACs is a mockery. In the Saturday candidate's debate transmitted on NBC, Romney and Gingrich swore that they did not even watch their "independent" committees' adverts, but then, unintentionally, they engaged in a surprisingly detailed discussion about what is shown in the spots.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Bill Maher: Those Incompetent Republicans

  After having to hear about the Republican Party American Taliban trying to take credit for Bin Laden’s death, we have a sane voice in Bill Maher on his show on Friday, May 6th. A partial transcript follows, or you can go HERE to watch him present the facts about the GOP.


All right, New Rule, stop calling this place a mansion.  It looks like a 5-unit apartment complex in Van Nuys.  A mansion is where the Beverly Hillbillies live.  This is more like the house they show on the local news when some Mexican's pit bull has eaten a baby.

New Rule, stop saying "we" got Osama.  "We" didn't do anything.  "We" were watching Celebrity Apprentice and eating Funyuns in our sweatpants.  SEAL Team Six did the killing, with money we borrowed from Beijing that our grandchildren will have to pay back.  So it was a joint Navy SEALs, People's Bank of China, grandchildren operation.

New Rule, the White House doesn't have to release the dead bin Laden photos, but don't pretend that we can't take it.  We handled pictures of Britney Spears' vagina getting out of a car.  Come on, television has desensitized us to violence, and porn has desensitized us to people getting shot in the eye.

New Rule, the Pentagon must apologize to Native Americans for giving such a universally reviled character as Osama bin Laden the code name "Geronimo"... and admit they should have gone with their second choice, The Donald.

New Rule, conspiracy theorists who are claiming that we didn't really kill bin Laden, must be reminded that they didn't think he did the crime in the first place!  Come on, nutjobs, keep your bullshit straight!  The towers were brought down in a controlled demolition by George W. Bush to distract attention from Hawaii where CIA operatives were planting phony birth records, so that a Kenyan named Obama could someday rise to power and pretend to take out the guy we pretended took out the towers!  And I know that's true because I just got it in an e-mail from Trump.

And finally, New Rule.  Now that it's become clear that the Republicans, the fiscally conservative, strong on defense party, are neither fiscally conservative nor strong on defense, they have to tell us what exactly it is they're good at.

Because it's not defense.  9/11 happened on your watch.  And you retaliated by invading the wrong country.  And you lost a 10-year game of hide-and-seek with Osama bin Laden.  And you're responsible for running up most of the debt, which, more than anything, makes us weak.  You're supposed to be the party with the killer instinct.  But it was a Democrat who put a bomb in Gaddafi's bedroom and a bullet in bin Laden's eye like Moe Greene.  Raising the question, how many Muslims does a black guy have to kill in one weekend before crackers climb down off his ass?

(wild audience applause)

Let's look at some facts.  Now, for you Fox News viewers, feel free to turn down the sound until the flashing "FACTS" light at the bottom of your screen disappears.

When Bill Clinton left office in 2001, the Congressional Budget Office predicted that by the end of the decade, we would have paid off the entire debt, and have a $2 trillion dollar surplus.  Instead, we have a $10.5 trillion dollar public debt, and the difference in those two numbers is mostly because the Republicans put tax cuts for the rich, free drugs for the elderly, and two wars on the layaway plan, and then bailed on the check.  So, so much for fiscal responsibility.

But hey, at least they still had the defense thing, right?  The public still believed Republicans were tougher when it came to hunting down dark-skinned foreigners with funny-sounding names.  But Bush had seven years to get Osama.  He didn't.  He got Wesley Snipes.  Only 6 months after 9/11, Bush said he didn't spend that much time on bin Laden, adding that he was no longer concerned about him, just as he wasn't before 9/11, when he blew off that mysterious, inscrutable memo entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the U.S."  In under a year, Bush went from "Who gives a shit?" to "Wanted: Dead or Alive" and back to "Who gives a shit?"  Why focus on the terrorist who reduced Wall Street to rubble, when you can help Wall Street reduce the whole country to rubble?

In 2008, the candidates were asked, if they knew for sure that bin Laden was in Pakistan, would you send our guys in without permission to get him?  McCain said no, because Pakistan is a sovereign nation.  Obama said yes, he'd just do it.  And McCain called him naïve.  Who's being naïve, K?  And why can't you just admit that Barack Obama is one efficient steely-nerved multitasking black ninja gangsta President?

In one week, he produced his birth certificate, comforted disaster victims, swung by Florida to say hey to Gabby Giffords, did stand-up at the Correspondents Dinner, and then personally repelled into bin Laden's lair and put a Chinese star through his throat without waking up any of his 13 wives!  That's how it went down, I saw it on MSNBC.

Look, 30% of this country will always vote Republican.  I'm just asking why.  Yes, paranoia, greed, and racism are fun, but it's like when you see someone driving a Mercury.  You think, did that person really wake up one day and think, "You know what car I really want to drive?  A Mercury Mariner."  No!  You assume he knows someone who sells them, or he was molested by a KIA dealer as a child.

And I know this all sounds like harsh truth, but Republicans are supposed to be the party of harsh truths.  Like, there's no such thing as a free lunch.  And speaking of lunch, I think Obama just ate yours.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Paying Extra Medical for Talking To Much?

  Seriously, you  can’t make this stuff up.

Lest greedy American sick people -- who the big-profit insurance executive fraudsters feel don't have enough 'skin in the game' -- actually try to be proactive about their health, big-profit insurers are responding absolutely as we would expect by making sure selfish American patients don't get even a single question -- literally -- of free health care than they deserve under the Affordable Care Act:

Susan Krantz has a medical and business background; but when she got her latest medical bill from a recent visit, the Minnetonka woman was perplexed.

“Even as a registered nurse, I can’t figure out what this is,” she said.

Krantz was upset when she opened a recent bill. Along with the list of procedures was the itemized charge of $50.06 for something she couldn’t make out. When she questioned Park Nicollet, the response puzzled her.

“You can be charged an extra office visit if you ask too many questions,” she said. “I said I don’t understand that, because isn’t that what this visit is for?”

Yes, talking too much at your next doctor's visit might really screw you over...seriously. At base, this is nothing more than another perverse symptom of a brutal health care non-system designed to allow big-profit insurers to maximize as much profit as possible through complicated and nuanced benefit plans:

Medical services are carefully coded for insurance purposes. As Park Nicollet explained to us, the billing has to accurately reflect the medical services provided. If the doctors feel their work goes beyond the scope of the visit, they must code that on the bill. That’s to assure that coverage for a “wellness” visit doesn’t fraudulently cover care given to an “acute care” matter.

Now, let's unpack this bullshit -- another sick feature of American health care. At first glance it could appear that unscrupulous and greedy doctors (of which there are some -- remember that doctors opposed national health care before insurers opposed it) are trying to turn patient questioning into a truly 'sick' two-for-one deal. Further clarification from the provider -- Park Nicollet -- however, reveals that once again, sleazy big-profit insurers are at the root of the corporate-imposed sick-people-talking tax. Please read further.

Park Nicollet says it’s an insurance issue. In a written statement, the medical provider said that “the insurance company may require that patients pay or make a co-pay for services beyond the ‘preventive’ part of the appointment.”

The statement goes on to say that the total amount billed to the insurance provider is the same as if it were one appointment, only it’s “broken out separately on the invoice.”

So, doctors aren't getting any extra money when your annual physical also includes a question about your chest pains, but big-profit insurers are making sure that they can get a piece of the action when that happens. You see, asking a question about an actual problem means your annual physical has been turned into a different kind of visit -- one that is not 'free' from deductibles or cost-sharing payments under Affordable Care Act rules as is the case with physicals and other preventive care like immunizations.

Big-profit insurers are truly sadistic -- they look for any possible opportunity to squeeze blood out of the sick.

Why is asking a question even an issue? Why is this even news? American health care is appallingly monetized. This is just another corporate-based-big-profit-Kafkaesque nightmare.

This is also why American health care is so bloody expensive -- how much effort and time of a human employee did it take to bill and sort out this kind of 'coding' challenge? Big-profit insurers by the very nature of their existence force the health care 'system' to deal with this kind of insane hair splitting.

Medicare for all?

Originally posted to james321 on Mon Oct 22, 2012