Sunday, January 14, 2007

Condi Rice Says We Will Not Pull Out of Iraq

    Condi Rice,United States Secretary of State,  says that we are not pulling out of Iraq even if President Bush's 'escalation' is a failure.

Aboard her plane, Rice also told reporters that the United States would not abandon Iraq even if Bush's latest plan fails.

"We're not pulling the plug on Iraq," she said. "I think we'll worry about making Plan A work for now. And obviously, if it doesn't, then you know, we're not going to say, oh my goodness, that didn't work, there's nothing that can be done."       Entire Article

   I like that "worrying about plan A for now." Sounds to me as if the Bush Crime Family hasn't considered any options in case this 'stay the course, part 12'  doesn't work.


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