Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dems and Repubs Want to Wait Until September for Iraq Results?

   So it would seem as if the biggest story thus far today is the article in the Washington Post stating that both the Democrats and Republicans are giving George Bush one last shot at showing improving conditions in Iraq. The deadline would be for September to have proof that his surge is actually working.

   The commanding general in Iraq,Gen. David H. Petraeus, has said that he will know by then if the troop increase has had any kind of affect on the bullshit going on over there.

Sen. Gordon Smith (R-Ore.): "Many of my Republican colleagues have been promised they will get a straight story on the surge by September. I won't be the only Republican, or one of two Republicans, demanding a change in our disposition of troops in Iraq at that point. That is very clear to me."

Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.):  "September is the key. If we don't see a light at the end of the tunnel, September is going to be a very bleak month for this administration."

   Let us not forget House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, who said: "By the time we get to September, October, members are going to want to know how well this is working, and if it isn't, what's Plan B."

"There were always two debates in the debate over timelines to end the war," said House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.). "George W. Bush is hellbent on January 20, 2009, when he walks out of the door, leaving a box stamped 'Iraq' for the next president. The Republicans are hellbent on not going through the next election with Iraq tied to their ankles. All Boehner said publicly was what Republicans have been saying privately for months."       WaPo

   September is it? I think that we all know how that will go, do we not? Gen. David H. Petraeus will come out with a report that says that there is improvement in Iraq concerning the sectarian violence and the political problems and that the surge is beginning to show some results and that things should be even much better in another six months. Of course, he will also say that we could use just a few more U.S. troops in the country to maintain the current progress.

   Here is some of what our troops are doing in Baghdad on a daily basis.


Seems we've heard this all before. I was chuckling this AM when I read that the spineless DC Dems are putting forth legislation that gives W until September and now I read that the Repubs and MSM are talking the same stuff.

But wait. In NOVEMBER, 2006 the American voter spoke and said GET OUT NOW. Isn't it amazing that BushCo and friends (including DC Dems) have managed to string this thing out for another year. And then what? Another "new way forward"? Another two years needed to "get our troops home".

"See you in September...." a great song title but crap when it comes to Iraq.

Posted by: Sha@ Talking Points Memo
Date: May 8, 2007


The real question is not what events on the ground look like in September. Or benchmarks. All goals and benchmarks should revolve around getting out of Iraq. That does not seem to be a goal of this admin. Once the US military leaves there will be no one to enforce the contracts with the US oil companies. Iraq can then find new companies that will pay better. THIS IS THE REASON BUSH DOES NOT WANT TO LEAVE. Arguing other goals and events is a complete waste of time. They do not want to leave. The oil is worth trillions of dollars. Why leave? The CEOs of these companies do not have sons and daughters in the conflict dying. Comments?

Posted by: Stephen Johnson@ TPM
Date: May 8, 2007

Paul, the report's already written. Trust me. Maybe I'm clairvoyant, maybe I'm the world's biggest cynic. But I can already see the report, and it says yes, there's been "real progress". There's hope that Americas will see "real change" in the Iraqi government "in the next six months". It'll conclude that the "surge must continue, however", that "timetables for withdrawl are damaging to this progress being witnessed", and "things may get worse before they get better".

This September report will be the most disingenuous, dishonest thing this Admin has ever produced (and that's saying a lot), but the media will eat it up. And we'll locked in for another 6 months. Bank on it.

Posted by: Punchy@TPM
Date: May 8, 2007

   I would tend to agree with all of the above comments. The Democrats, when you look at them closely, are doing absolutely nothing in dealing with Iraq and getting our troops out of there. You and I put them into office to do their jobs and get our people home NOW, not in September or next year or next summer.

   I believe that the Democrats have come down with the " Bush disease " and they must be cured, NOW!
