Monday, May 21, 2007

Dems Issuing A Blank Check to Bush?

  You've probably all read it by now, hoe the Democrats are crafting a war funds bill that would have no timelines for troop withdrawal in it. I should note that they are also cutting back on the money for our domestic needs because King George doesn't like those either.

  The Democrats are pointing out that the federal minimum wage increase is in the funding bill, but so are some of the tax cuts for for small business's that hire low-skilled or handicapped workers.

   Of course, the usual anonymous sources are saying that the details of the bill are subject to change.  Sure they are, and George Bush is subject to an increase in his I.Q., and we know that isn't going to happen.

    So, military operations in Iraq will be funded through the end of the fiscal year, which is September 30, 2007.

   The Democrats will hope and pray that they can get enough Republicans to switch over to supporting the troop withdrawal when the imaginary September ' wait and see ' period comes around and things are no better in Iraq. Not gonna happen folks. The Republicans are playing a different version of ' bait and switch ' on the Democrats, who are falling over it like rocks in water.

   The Democrats say that they are pushing this currant bill forward because they want to avoid another Bush veto. Bush's veto's were the only thing that Congress had going in their favor and they just flat out trashed it. What a bunch of fucking idiots!  My pet ferret has more spine than these wussies.

     Sorry to say it people. Don't look for any kind of a withdrawal timeline for our troops or for any ' benchmarks ' with any bite for the Iraqis because it ain't going to happen until Bush and the rest of these clowns are all gone. I seriously doubt if it will happen even then.

   The Democrats are turning into ' Bush Lite.'
