Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sinner Gingrich Speaks At Liberty University

  Not that I particularly care about anything that this creep has to say since it is mostly bull anyway, but I thought that I'd let you read some of his comments to the students of the graduating glass.

"A growing culture of radical secularism declares that the nation cannot profess the truths on which it was founded. We are told that our public schools can no longer invoke the creator, nor proclaim the natural law nor profess the God-given quality of human rights.

"In hostility to American history, the radical secularists insist that religious belief is inherently divisive and that public debate can only proceed on secular terms. 

  Speaking as a Christian and as a " liberal ", My problem personally is that those so-called Christians like Gingrich, Falwell, Robertson,Dobbs, and others are attempting to force us into believing their idea of Christianity, which is, our way is right and if you don't believe it then you are going to burn in hell. I don't need their version of Christianity shoved down my throat nor will I ever abide by their rhetoric. If there views and actions are what real Christians are, then God help us!

  One more thing though. I do believe that prayer, of any type, should be allowed in the school before class begins if that is what the students wish to do

  Gingrich also went on to rant about the Supreme Courts efforts to separate church and state.

"Too often, the courts have been biased against religious believers. This anti-religious bias must end."

   Once again, the courts have been right in their dealings on this. In case you haven't noticed for the past few years, Fundamentalist ( Christian Right ) have been invading our government in droves. The entire point is to make us a 'one religion view' society. This is why we need separation of church and state.

Falwell intended Liberty to be his most enduring legacy. He envisioned it as a "Protestant Notre Dame," projecting fundamentalist Christianity for generations. It was to be a training ground for conservative politicians, lawyers and judges _ warriors in what Falwell perceived as a cultural war against liberals, gay rights, legalized abortion and forces he saw as a threat to Christianity.


Gingrich: "Anybody on the left who hopes that when people like Reverend Falwell disappear that the opportunity to convert ( my emphasis) all of America has gone with them fundamentally misunderstands why institutions like this were created."     Huffington Post

     Convert? Into what, may I asked? It is amazing to me that any of these Republican Christians ( hypocrites ) actually have the nerve to stand up before a crowd of anybody and then speak about Christian values! It's just mind boggling, especially someone like Newt.


1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Intersting entry. One comment is of particular interest.

"Speaking as a Christian and as a "liberal"".

Can you please define Christian and Liberal, in your own words?