Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Democratic Congress and It's Low Approval Ratings


Here are the results of six congressional job approval polls taken so far in June:

Newsweek (6/18-19): 25% approve; 63% disapprove
Gallup (6/11-14): 24% approve; 71% disapprove
NBC/WSJ (6/08-11): 23% approve; 64% disapprove
Quinnipiac (6/05-11): 23% approve; 66% disapprove
LA Times/Bloomberg (6/07-10): 27% approve; 65% disapprove
FOX News (6/05-6): 29% approve; 55% disapprove
ABC/Washington Post (5/29-6/1): 39% approve; 53% disapprove

  As we can all see, the citizens of this country aren't to happy with those Democrats that we hired back in November 2006 because thus far they have done nothing to end our involvement in Iraq and they still have yet to put the kids in the White House on restriction, time-out, whatever.

   They've done nothing but send some harshly worded letters to Bush and the rest of the crime syndicate and they've pretty much given the Bush boys more blank checks to go out and play war with.  Will someone please remind me of why we voted for these spineless wimps?

  Some comments for you from other Kos members.

Remember why we gave you the majority, Democrats

I'm starting to feel like a broken record, but on the off-chance that some staffers or even elected officials are reading this . . .

This is simple: we gave you the majority to provide a check on the outrageous abuses of power by the Bush administration that were enabled by a complacent Republican congress for all too long.

We all know Bush is going to veto everything you send to him. So. Keep. Sending. It. Back.

The majority of Americans are way ahead of you on all these issues: stem cell research, education, equal rights for everyone, protecting a woman's right to do with her body what she wants, stopping cronyism in its tracks, rebuilding the Gulf coast, and ENDING THE GODDAMN WAR.

Get a fucking pair, and stand up to Captain 26%. Democrats across the nation ran on two things: ending the war, and putting a check on the egregious abuses of power coming out of this nightmare of a White house. I don't know about the rest of DailyKos readers, but I sure as hell feel betrayed, and I am pissed off that you're not doing what you promised us you'd do. If you're so scared of Bush and his 26% approval rating, or Big Time and his single-digit approval rating, who are you not afraid of?

You want to know why we disapprove of the job you're doing? It's because you aren't doing what we put you there to do.

So just do it, as the saying goes, and restore our faith in the Democratic party.

by CleverNickName

Vetoes will happen, and it's o.k.

I agree that we expect there to be vetoes and we expect the Republicans to raise cain trying to gum up the works. While I think having a few accomplishments is a good thing, it's also very important to act as though the symbolism matters. By this I mean resending vetoed legislation; let Bush veto it a thousand times, that's part of our point. There is some legislation that needs to get through, but other things (including spending on Iraq) can be the subject of long and difficult fights. We want a fight. I think most Americans do at this point. Stand up, even if it isn't entirely successful. People are smart enough to see that the Republicans are being obstructive to progress, so press on and just do the right thing.

by poserp

   And my favorite comment:

They should try better tactic

Instead of doing traditional legislation, they should try to out maneuver republicans. (eg. flood Bush with so many small legislations he has to fight each one of those)

Make him sign 6-700 different bills all with different  amendments and combinations of crazy regulations.

See if he can catch up.

Shut down every single one of Bush adminstration tools that does not related to troop and public safety.

No more diplomacy, no more trade discussion, no more banking. friggin nothing. sink that administration.

No more Cheney.

They want to spy and create fourth branch of government. let htem pay out of their own money. Bush want to have lunch, make him pay for his own lunch.

shut the entire Bush mafia operation down.

by fugue