Monday, June 18, 2007

Voters Not Happy With The Democrats. Is Anyone Except The Republicans?

  And is it any wonder? most of us put these men and women in the Congress to get the United States out of the Republican war in Iraq. Thus far though, the Democrats have done nothing even close to getting our troops home.

   According to Yahoo News, recent polls say that the Congress is  nearly at their lowest approval ratings in a decade with only one out of four Americans liking this group's efforts.

"I understand their disappointment," said Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada. "We raised the bar too high."

  Raised the bar to high? What a load of horseshit, Mr. Reid. The bar isn't high enough and it would seem that the Democrats still cannot find their balls or their convictions either.

Biden, seeking the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, said: "Voters are going to be mad with us until we end the war."

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi  said some Democrats understand "we can only do so much."

"Others are just very unhappy. I include myself among them," Pelosi, of California, told The New York Times.

  It would seem that Mrs. Pelosi isn't happy enough at this point in time. As far as that bullshit about they can only do so much, cut the fucking funding flat out and that will be all that is required. End of story, case closed. NEXT!

  It is getting pretty bad when the Republicans are now calling the Congress the " do- nothing Congress."  It isn't brought up that the Democrats can't do anything because the House and the Senate is still being held hostage by the Republican thugs in bed with the Bush clan. Then you throw in GOP'er Lieberman and it all turns to shit.

   Here is what the Republican strategy appears to be and why the Democrats can get nothing done.

"If Democrats fail to reverse course, the dynamics in the 2008 elections may shift significantly, allowing Republicans to run as the party of change ... only two years after Democrats successfully campaigned on that same theme," Senate Republican leaders told their ranks in a letter last week.

  This is what it is all about on both sides of the aisle. nothing but politics and who can make who look the worst before 2008 gets here. At the present time, the Repugnicans have the upper hand because the Democrats have no balls!!