Okay, so we finally got our representatives to do the right thing for once and to vote " nay " on cloture of this piece of legislation. So the debate, which Republicans did not want, will continue. This is a good thing, but, what comes next?
Now that all of the progressive blogs and other organizations who rounded up hundreds of thousands of citizens who called their Representatives and voiced their opinions have all patted themselves on their backs, myself included, it is time for a reality check.
The Democrats in the Senate managed to embarrass and humiliate Resident Bush and the rest of those communist GOPers, which is great. Even poor old Senator Mitch McConnell (KY) went cowering off into the darkness after realizing that his cloture bullshit was not going to happen. McConnell is, unfortunately, my representative and it was a great day to watch this piece of shits tactics go down in flames.
So what will the Dems in the Senate do now. I am of the opinion that the only reason the Democrats stopped cloture on the FISA Bill was because they got pissed off that the Republicans wouldn't allow any debate or votes on the Amendments that Dems wanted added to this bill. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt it. Senator Reid is the one I am concerned about since he has supported the telecom amnesty part of this bill from the beginning. I doubt that voters changed his mind one bit.
The FISA extension may expire this week and we will no doubt then have maybe 30 days of debating, discussion, and then probably capitulation on part of the Democrats. Just my thoughts.
We can't let up on our Senators on either side of the aisle. We should continue to email, fax, call or visit them to let them know that telecom amnesty is not an option in any way, shape, or form. The Progressives/Democrats have the momentum and we should make damned sure that it stays this way. Don't slack off now because WE, THE PEOPLE proved that we can be a force to deal with!!
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