From DK
Update 5: Cloture defeated by a vote of 48 ayes to 45 nays! Debate continues on the FISA bill. Take a bow, this is a tremendous victory and a big humiliation for Bush and his Republican enablers. - smintheus
Update 6: Now the Senate is proceeding to the second cloture vote, this time to vote on a bill to extend the current temporary FISA bill for 30 days beyond its expiration date on Feb. 5. Republicans are trying to block cloture on this bill. McConnell was blubbering on the floor that the bill is no good because Bush has threatened to veto it. He doesn't seem to realize that there are a lot of Dems who'd like to call Bush's bluff: If Bush vetoes the extension, then it shows he doesn't think the FISA bill is essential - or else he cares more about giving telecoms amnesty than he does about protecting America. - smintheus
Update 7: The second cloture vote fails as well (by the same margin, 48 'aye', 45 'nay'). So we're back to debating the original bill. - smintheus
I would say the the voices of the American citizens has been heard in the United States Senate by some true " Patriots " for once! And it is about fucking time!
We did have one Democrat who voted " nay " but then changed her vote to " aye". That would have been Mary Landrieu. I guess that her spine needed some more vacation time.
That crying sound that you hear is both George Bush and Dick Cheney, down in his bunker.
CORRECTION: There were actually 4 Democrats who voted on the Republican side. They were Senators Pryor, Ben Nelson, Lincoln, and Landrieu.
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