Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Baker Report

CSKendrick of Daily Kos takes a look at the up-coming Baker Report in a very interesting piece.     Let's go take a peek, shall we?


Iraq: Handicapping the Baker Report, Part One
by cskendrick
Wed Nov 22, 2006

We're probably not going to get the Baker Report for a while. However, that's no reason not to take a peek at the working papers being used by the think tank that's feeding the Baker Commission its information.

Alan Schwartz's "Scenarios for the Insurgency in Iraq" is done for United States Institute of Peace, which happens to be the institution backing up the Iraq Study Group.

...The commission is headed by former Secretary of State James A. Baker, III, a close friend of the Bush family, and former Indiana Democratic Congressman Lee Hamilton, who also cochaired the 9/11 Commission, and is being coordinated through the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), a government-funded think tank.

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