Monday, November 20, 2006

Bushco Dictatorship Signing Statement

   It looks as if our stupid little dictator-wanna-be is back into his signing statements again! We may be in more trouble than most people realize!

    Bush signed into law a resolution that will keep the government running thru the 8th of December. That's well and good, I guess. BUT, Bush added a little addendum to it which was a signing statement dealing with the recent elections.

   "The executive branch shall construe the recent congressional elections in a manner consistent with the constitutional authority of the President as Commander in Chief. The election of the Democrat Party will not hinder the Executive from protecting the American people from further terrorist attacks. This will assist in achieving the shared goals of the Executive and the American people who desire freedom."

    What this means is that The Executive does not recognize the Democratic controlled congress!

    You can bet your ass that I will have more to say about this little shit's activities!