Thursday, January 04, 2007

'Minority Bill Of Rights' for The GOP?

   You know that the Repugnicans are scared shitless when they now want to enact the 'minority bill of rights' that they would not even look at when Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) want it enacted back in 2004.

   In fact, back in 2004,  Dennis Hastert (R-ILL.) would not even respond to the letter from Pelosi. Hastert was then the GOP speaker of the House.

   This is just another one of the GOP scams to pretty much tie up legislation and hold the Democrats in check until the 2008 elections are here.

    Hey GOP! You are the minority now, get over it. Fairness? Since when has that been a word in the GOP vocabulary? The GOP has shut out not only the Democrats when it came to any kind of debate or opinion on bills and what have you, but they also have shut out the American people as well! They still continue to do so.

    Suggestion. Take your little cry-baby asses back into the corners that you crawled out of and shut the hell up!! Don't make us put you in 'timeout'.

   Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats should not even consider going for this piece of garbage at this point in time or any other time.


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