Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bush Wants Democrats to Help Balance The Budget?

   If this so-called president has an I.Q. over 1, then my name is Jesus!

    According to the A.P. , Bush wants the Democrats to help him balance the budget within 5 years and to cut pork projects from future spending bills!

House Budget committee Chairman John Spratt, D-S.C.:

"We welcome the president's newfound commitment to a balanced budget, but his comments make us wary. They suggest that his budget will still embody the policies that led to the largest deficits in history."    More

    You may need to refresh my memory just a little bit. Was it and/or is it not Mr.Bush and his band of thieves who raided the treasury and gave us the biggest deficit in history in the first place?

    Was it not the $7 billion in oil drilling royalties that this administration has thus far refused to collect from the oil companies that helped our deficit soar higher and higher?

    I will not even mention that over priced, less than five  months, war that we are stuck in over in Iraq! Nor the tax breaks that the corporate friends of this administration are handed on a silver platter!

    I won't even mention companies such as Halliburton that gouge the American taxpayer out of $49 for a case of Coke or Pepsi!

    The list goes on and on with this immoral, corrupt administration.

    Pork projects? Look no further than the pigs who sit up in the White House! then look at the rest of the little GOP piglets who have tried their best to bankrupt this country because of their greed!

    If you want a balanced budget Mr. Bush, resign! Then and only then, will the budget have a chance to be balanced!

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