Monday, March 19, 2007

Can Stability Be Found In Iraq?

   Every so often I post a question that Al Jazeera  has asked it's readers and I also post the answers. So here goes another one for you.

    Since this question was just asked today, I will be revisiting this one so that we can get a sample of what the Iraqi readers have to say.

Original Article

Iraq war anniversary: Your views 

Published: Monday, 19 March 2007

Demonstrations against the US-led war in Iraq are continuing ahead of the fourth anniversary of the invasion, meanwhile new poll has revealed that Iraqis are feeling increasingly pessimistic and insecure about their future. What is the future in Iraq? Can stability be found? Are you Iraqi and, if so, what do you think?

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Added: Monday, 19 March 2007

Let's face it, war is good business: for the oil companies and their record profits; for the weapons manufacturers; for the infrastructure companies who rebuild. The U.S. will not leave Iraq until there is another way for these same groups to continue to grow their profits.

daneellaw, New York, USA

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Added: Monday, 19 March 2007

I think it's time people stop blaming Pres Bush for all this!! He is not the only person who ok'd this War! It takes two to tango. The majority voted for this war multiple times. If anyone knows anything about US Government they would know that its not just the President who runs this country! We need to stop all this Blaming and pointing fingers. Lets remember that Sadam Killed Millions!! I think they did find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, it's call Sadam and his followers!! If we pull out of this war now I know we will regret it! It will show our weekness and we will be vulnerable to more outside attacks! We need to stay the course and try to free Iraq from the Terrorists for the sake of the good people of Iraq! We need to rally as one America and stop all this Democrate and Repubican rubbish, let's just be the America that our country used to be!

bigmike67, , USA

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Added: Monday, 19 March 2007

The Iraqi people will most likely never feel comfortable in building a nation as long as they are occupied by the Americans. They don't want a nation built in the image the Americans see fit. I think it would be best for the Americans to withdraw their troops and allow group of willing and peaceful muslim countries to go in and figure out what would be the best course of action. Something similar is happening with a group of muslim nations attempting to ease tensions between the West and Iran. This way the Iraqi people would not feel occupied or oppressed by the Americans and would feel that they would have someone that understands their way of life. Sunnis and Shiites would need to work together on both sides for this to work.

myleshosie53, toronto, Canada

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Added: Monday, 19 March 2007

You would expect Iraqis to feel a little pessimistic after nearly 700,000 deaths wouldn't you? A survey is probably long due in Fallujah on how Iraqis feel about illuminating the skyline with phosphor. That should really reveal the extent of optimism about the future. But thanks to the objective poll carried out by two well-established Anglo-American media corporations we've learned that only 33% of Iraqis think reconstruction efforts bare fruit. There you have it. A rather pessimistic world. What a shame. Meanwhile the Genecide continues in the Darfure region. That's Sudan in case you missed.

Mohammad Fedah, Surrey, United Kingdom


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