Monday, March 19, 2007

Senator's Collins and Snowe Still Defy Constituents

   From Americans Against Escalation In Iraq

Senator Collins and Senator Snowe Choose to Continue Policy of Unending War Rather than Hold Bush Accountable for Bringing Troops Safely Home


Contact: Moira Mack, Phone: 202-261-2383

Group Condemns Senator Collins, Senator Snowe and GOP Colleagues for Opposing the Change in Course Americans are Demanding when Lives, National Security are at Stake

Washington – Yesterday, Senator Collins and Senator Snowe failed the people of Maine and the U.S. troops when they once again refused to stand up to President Bush’s policy of unending war in Iraq.  With recent reports confirming that the President’s escalation plan is growing even larger, longer and more costly than he had originally let on in January, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid gave the Senate a third chance to stand up to the President and stop his dangerous Iraq escalation strategy.  Once again Senate Republicans failed their constituents and blocked a measure that would have finally held Bush accountable.  This despite the fact that nearly 60% of Americans want our troops safely redeployed out of Iraq by 2008 or sooner. [CNN, 3/13/07]

“On the eve of the 4th anniversary of the war in Iraq, Senator Collins and Senator Snowe voted to continue President Bush’s policy of unending war.  After four long years, Americans are demanding accountability for the mess in Iraq and the Republican Senators failed them today.  Americans Against Escalation in Iraq is outraged that Collins and Snowe would put politics ahead of the American troops and simply fall in line with the Republican leadership rather than hold President Bush accountable for bringing our troops home safely.  While Collins and Snowe provide political cover for the President, more Maine troops are being sent into harm’s way,” said AAEI spokeswoman Moira Mack.

“Congressional legislation holding the President accountable is long overdue. After four long years, the deaths of over 3,000 American soldiers, tens of thousands wounded and almost $400 billion spent – it’s time for Senator Collins and Senator Snowe to show some leadership rather than worrying about party politics,” said Mack. “It is time to hold this administration accountable for its failed strategy.”

Americans Against Escalation in Iraq includes the Service Employees International Union, Political Action,, Center for American Progress Action Fund, USAction, Win Without War, Campaign for America’s Future, Progressive States Network, Campus Progress, TrueMajority, Working Assets and the United States Student Association.



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