Sunday, March 18, 2007

More Oversight From The Bush Administration

   Here's an example of oversight from the Bush administration concerning  CIA operative Valerie Plame in 2003.

Transcript from The Raw Story
Published: Friday March 16, 2007

REP. WAXMAN: Are you aware if there's any investigation that ever took place in the White House about the release of this classified information?

MR. KNODELL: I am not.

REP. WAXMAN: Do you know whether Karl Rove, the president's senior political adviser, came forward and reported what he knew about the breach of Mrs. Wilson's identity? After all, we learned that Mr. Rove talked about her identity with at least two journalists, Robert Novak and Matthew Cooper of Time Magazine.

MR. KNODELL: Mr. Chairman, I have no knowledge of any investigation within my office.

REP. WAXMAN: Okay. How long have you been in that office?

MR. KNODELL: Since August of 2004.

REP. WAXMAN: Since August of 2004 -- two-and-a-half years. And were you aware in the last two-and-a-half years that this was an issue for which there was a lot of concern?

MR. KNODELL: Yes, Mr. Chairman. I was.

REP. WAXMAN: Did you learn that from people in the White House?

MR. KNODELL: Through the press.

REP. WAXMAN: Through the press.

Mr. Leonard, the regulations seem clear. It says that officials like Mr. Rove have an obligation to report security violations. Mr. Knodell, wouldn't there have to be a report that would have been filed in your office?

MR. KNODELL: If we were notified there would be, sir. Yes.

REP. WAXMAN: Okay. So if you were notified, a report would be on file. Is that right?

MR. KNODELL: Correct.

REP. WAXMAN: And you don't know if there's one on file?

MR. KNODELL: That's correct.

REP. WAXMAN: Is that correct -- you don't even know if there's one on file?

MR. KNODELL: There is not one on file.

REP. WAXMAN: There is not one on file.

MR. KNODELL: That's correct.

REP. WAXMAN: You know that there is no report on file that classified information was disclosed and that report was about Fleischer or Rove or all the other names?

MR. KNODELL: Mr. Chairman, not within the Office of Security and Emergency Preparedness.


REP. WAXMAN: Last question to Mr. Knodell: Was any corrective action taken -- was any disciplinary action taken against Mr. Rove failing to report his knowledge of the breach of Mrs. Wilson's identity?

MR. KNODELL: No, Mr. Chairman.

REP. WAXMAN: No, no action was taken or no, you don't know?

MR. KNODELL: No action was taken.