Monday, March 12, 2007

Army General Kevin C. Kiley Resigns, so, Who's Left?

   I don't know how your Monday went but mine was a typical Monday and then some. It started out great but as soon as " Murphy's Law " discovered that it was getting behind with me, it caught up! Anyway.

   Army General Kevin C. Kiley  resigned after being under pressure from the military over his watchful eye over at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

   Kiley submitted his retirement over the weekend and it is reported that Acting Army Secretary Pete Geren ask Kiley to retire. Source

   Kiley's head should have been the first one on the platter at the beginning of this investigation followed by his higher ups and then maybe those further on down the line.

   I'm hoping that Congress can still call Kiley in to testify about who knew what and for how long instead of being able to keep his mouth shut about the whole thing. That would be a grave diss-service to the veterans and to the American people. But, since when has anyone in this administration ever shown any concern for the troops or for the citizens?



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