Thursday, March 15, 2007

Edwards Campaign Gets Powdered Letter

   In case you haven't heard yet, a worker at presidential candidate John Edwards opened an envelope on Wednesday and found some white powder in it. This prompted the evacuation of the campaign headquarters but it was reopened today after it was determined that the substance was harmless.

    Edwards has said that the letter contained negative comments" but he was not specific about the comments or on who sent the letter.   Source

   Could this be the Coulterguist striking from the shadows once again? I'm just kidding here but this is a serious matter and the F.B.I. should be visiting the sender soon if they know where it came from.

Raleigh News & Observer

The discovery prompted an investigation by local police, firefighters, the FBI, the Hazardous Materials Regional Response team from Raleigh, and the Orange County Health Department.

The Edwards campaign worker did not know to whom the envelope was addressed or where it was from, investigators said. Chapel Hill police said they didn't know whether there was any written message in the envelope.



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