Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bush: Fund My War!

Bush's Weekly Radio Address  March 17,2007

"Unfortunately, some in Congress are using this bill as an opportunity to micromanage our military commanders, force a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq and spend billions on domestic projects that have nothing to do with the war on terror. Many in Congress say they support the troops, and I believe them. Now they have a chance to show that support in deed, as well as in word."  

Bush repeated his promise that his request for funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan must be approved "without strings and without delay" or he will veto it.  Source

   So what is the problem with spending billions on domestic projects at home in the United States when this country does have a few things that need to be taken care of? Does everything that Bush spends money on have to do with the Iraq war?

   As is the usual way from the White House, Bush used the " if congress supports the troops then they will fund my bullshit " approach.

   If I am a congressional democrat, then I forge ahead with the bill and dare Bush to veto it as a veto would really show the citizens and the troops how much he cares about them. If Bush veto's the funding then he has no war cash and then no war, to speak of. This is in theory of course, since we all know that Bush and the rest of the criminals will steal the cash from somewhere else.


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