Wednesday, March 14, 2007

White House Threatens Veto Over Congress's FOIA Bill

    And the Democrats go marching on this time towards more open government bills which did pass through the House today, but the Bush Crime Family, struck back with the dreaded veto threat. I am so shocked!

   The Democrats did have hefty support from the Republican side of the aisle so they managed to pass some legislation that would force many of the government's agencies to become more responsive to the Freedom of Information Act requests that they get every year. The FOIA request generally run into the millions.       Source

Associated Press

The House also easily passed bills to require donors to presidential libraries to identify themselves — an issue as Bush prepares for his own library — and to reverse a 2001 Bush decision making it easier for presidents to keep their records from public scrutiny.

Finally, lawmakers approved a bill to strengthen protection for government whistle-blowers. They cited the failure to expose faulty intelligence about prewar Iraq in expanding protections for national security officials. Employees of federal contractors, airport screeners and government scientists facing retaliation for objecting to political influences are also covered.

The White House, citing the Bush's constitutional prerogatives, warned that the presidential records bill would be vetoed if it reached his desk. The White House issued a second veto warning on the whistle-blower bill, saying it was unconstitutional and compromised national security.

The votes were 390-34 on the presidential library bill; 333-93 on the presidential records bill; 308-117 on the FOIA legislation and 331-94 on the whistle-blower bill.  

   It is funny how Bush can remember his constitutional prerogatives when it comes to keeping his illegal and more than likely immoral details of record a secret, but he forgets about the constitution when dealing with the war in Iraq and the treatment of his own citizens. Not to mention the many laws that he fails to remember when it serves his own interest to have a memory lapse.