Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cheney's Interview With Wolf Blitzer

Vice President Dick Cheney when interviewed by CNN's Wolf Blitzer said:

BLITZER: What if the Senate passes a resolution saying, This is not good idea? Will that stop you?

CHENEY: It won't stop us. And it would be, I think, detrimental from the standpoint of the troops. As General Petraeus said yesterday

-- he was asked by Joe Lieberman, among others, in his testimony about this notion that somehow the Senate could vote overwhelmingly for him, send him on his new assignment and then pass a resolution at the same time, say, "But we don't agree with the mission you've been given."

BLITZER: You're moving forward, no matter what the Congress does.

CHENEY: We are moving forward. We are moving forward. The Congress has control over the purse strings. They have the right, obviously, if they want, to cut off funding. But, in terms of this effort, the president's made his decision. We've consulted extensively with them. We'll continue to consult with the Congress. But the fact of the matter is, we need to get the job done. I think General Petraeus can do it. I think our troops can do it. And I think it's far too soon for the talking heads on television to conclude that it's impossible to do, it's not going to work, it can't possibly succeed.                     Transcript

   So basically what Cheney said was that this administration is still 'stay the course' and that Bushco does not care what the American people,the House, or the Senate thinks!

    This is beginning to sound alot like 'dictator' to me.

    I say that the congress should begin impeachment proceedings and that they start with Condi Rice and work their way up the ladder.


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