Saturday, January 27, 2007

Does The GOP Minority Need Counseling?

    New York Times :


Published: January 27, 2007

CAMBRIDGE, Md., Jan. 26 — President Bush tried to rally House Republicans on Friday as the lawmakers hunkered down on the Eastern Shore and struggled to come to grips with their new minority status and the challenge of the continuing war in Iraq.

Representative Adam Putnam of Florida, chairman of the House Republican Conference, said Mr. Bush told lawmakers that “because I sleep in the White House, don’t think I don’t know what is going on out there.” Mr. Putnam said that that “reminds people that he really does get it and understands what ordinary members are going through.”   More

   I would like to have been a fly on the wall during this get together! Can you imagine Mr. Bush trying to comfort his little minions and offering them encouragement? If you are one of those poor little GOPer's that need comforting from this man, than you have major problems in your head and in your life and I would recommend that you seek counseling.

  Bush made the statement that failure is not an option in Iraq when what he really should have said is that failure is not an option in Bushland. Bush is a lifelong failure and his Iraq mission is a failure and has been from the start. Bush is trying to save face but that will never happen because everything that this punk does turns to crap and this time his daddy or his other powerful friends cannot help him.


Many House Republican lawmakers and senior aides acknowledged that the sudden loss of the majority had been a shock and that they were having difficulty adjusting. People who once ruled the House find themselves with much less to do and much less power with which to do it. The Republicans also believe they have been badly mistreated by the new Democratic majority in the opening days of the 110th Congress, as Democrats who promised a more inclusive House rammed through their priority legislation with little consideration for Republican views.                                      But the new minority has won little sympathy, given that the Democrats complained bitterly that Republicans ran roughshod over them in the 12-year Republican reign, subjecting Democrats to some of the same treatment.

    I think that I'll get the tissue out now! We had better watch the GOP a little closer as they might feel even more mistreated and report the Democrats to the local police for child abuse!

    GOP, go to your corner and SHUT UP!


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