Monday, January 22, 2007

White House Liars Back To Spin Once Again

   When you read the news reports in the papers or on the Internet especially, you get nothing but stories on who said what on the Sunday news shows. Talking about "Fox News Sunday" and all the rest.

   Lets us look at Dick Cheney on "Fox News Sunday" last week passing along his usual crap about Iraq and saying that critics of the administration were aiding Al-Qaeda. He is still passing along the same old shit that he was doling out back in 2003, minus the WMD spin.

   Cheney's appearance last week on Fox illustrates that so far as this White House is concerned, lying is still king!

Asked by Chris Wallace about the White House's decision to overrule commanders who recommended against a troop escalation, the vice president said, "I don't think we've overruled the commanders." He claimed we've made "enormous progress" in Iraq. He said the administration is not "embattled." (Well, maybe that one is denial.)  TruthOut

   When Bush was on CBS "60 Minutes" he had his story down pat also. At least he thinks that he did.

This White House gang is so practiced in lying with a straight face that it never thinks twice about recycling its greatest hits. Hours after Mr. Cheney's Fox interview, President Bush was on "60 Minutes," claiming that before the war "everybody was wrong on weapons of mass destruction" and that "the minute we found out" the W.M.D. didn't exist he "was the first to say so." Everybody, of course, was not wrong on W.M.D., starting with the United Nations weapons inspection team in Iraq. Nor was Mr. Bush the first to come clean once the truth became apparent after the invasion. On May 29, 2003 - two days after a secret Defense Intelligence Agency-sponsored mission found no biological weapons in trailers captured by American forces - Mr. Bush declared: "We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories."      The Article

   So once again we are seeing nothing but more bullshit from the Bush Crime Family and their never ending fantasy story! Speaking for myself, it is time that this group of idiots be stopped. Congress can stop this Iraq crap dead in its tracks if they choose to do so. So can we, the American public. Most of you help put these assholes in office! Now it is time to put them back in their rightful places, the gutter!


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