Monday, January 22, 2007

Republicans Show Some Backbone,Iran Conducts Missile Test

    It looks as if some the Republicans are starting to grow some backbone as of late when it comes to opposing Bush's plans for Iraq. On Monday some of the  GOP voiced their distaste for Bush's plan while other said that the administration and the government of Iraq should be more accountable for the war.

Sen. Susan Collins(R-ME.) :

"We've had four other surges since we first went into Iraq. None of them produced a long-lasting change in the situation on the ground.So I am very skeptical that this surge would produce the desired outcome."    YahooNews

    In conjunction, both sides have drafted their respective non-binding resolutions disagreeing with bush's plans.

   Of course, in the true spirit of ignorance and stupidity, Bush will continue to ignore everyone except for his pet dog.

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   Iran  did some testing of their own today with some missiles and at the same time stepped up their warning to their public to be prepared for an attack by the United States.

    They also barred 38 U.N. nuclear inspectors from the country because of sanctions imposed on them last month.

    Things just keep getting better over in the middle east, have you noticed? It looks as if George Bush and the rest of the Crime Family are pretty intent on starting even more shit over there!

   It is about time that the new House and Senate begin looking into impeachment of this president and his cohorts instead of just passing some non-binding resolutions!


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