Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Gonzales to release spy program details

    From Yahoo News

LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer

January 31,2007

WASHINGTON - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Wednesday he will turn over secret documents detailing the government's domestic spying program, ending a two-week standoff with the Senate Judiciary Committee over surveillance targeting terror suspects.

"It's never been the case where we said we would never provide the access," Gonzales told reporters.

"We'd obviously be concerned about (how) the public disclosure may jeopardize the national security of our country," he said. "But we're working with the Congress to provide the information that it needs."

   So congress will finally get the requested records, with alot of long black lines throughout most of it. They will not be released to the public but you can bet your ass that we will see some of it one way or another!


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