Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Iraq War Waste

Original Article

Dems decry report of wasted Iraq aid

By HOPE YEN, Associated Press Writer  January 31,2007

WASHINGTON - Congressional Democrats on Wednesday decried tens of millions dollars of waste in Iraq reconstruction aid, as a new government report underscored a need for closer scrutiny of how the costly war is being handled.
Lawmakers in both the House and Senate said they planned hearings or legislation to address what they say is a growing problem of abuse as the Bush administration struggles to get a handle on both a spiraling war and the contractors who help run it.

"Our troops are going without even as government funds go to pay for such boondoggles as an Olympic-size swimming pool in an unused training camp," said a statement issued by the Senate Democratic Communications Center directed by Majority Leader Harry Reid ( bio, voting record), D-Nev.

"As the president is planning to send 21,500 more American service members into Iraq and asking for $1.2 billion in new reconstruction aid, Americans have every reason to question his spending priorities," it said.

The quarterly audit released Wednesday by Stuart Bowen Jr., the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, found the $300 billion U.S. war and reconstruction effort continues to be plagued with waste, spiraling violence and corruption.

   $300 billion? Yet that shithead in the White House wants more and more, for what? More swimming pools? What's with the reconstruction aid? The way that I see it, we build something and it gets destroyed again.

    Send our president over there with a shovel and a wheel burrow and let him do some real reconstructing!

                              IMPEACH! INDICT! IMPRISON!

   More Info:

 1)  Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction                               SIGIR 

2) Quarterly Report:SIGIR Quarterly Report

3) Dyncorp Audit: SIGIR AUDIT


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